Monday, December 2, 2013


Between July 22nd and September 12th of 1942, the German authorities deported more than 400,000 Jews who were living in the Warsaw ghetto. The Germans then began the second phase of their operation to remove the remaining Jews from the Warsaw ghetto on April 19, 1943, the eve of Passover. The renewal of deportations was the signal for an armed uprising within the ghetto. The German command originally estimated that it would only take them a few days to put down the resistance. Standing against tanks and seasoned combat troops, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising lasted for more than a month. In your post cite what you learned that you did not know before watching the film.


Rebecca Piscia said...

Before watching this movie, I had no idea that there had been such a large Jewish resistance during the holocaust. The scale of the resistance as well as the spirit and the determination of the fighters is something that I will remember forever. I learned from the film that te uprising lasted for over a month. People even remained in the ghetto after it was razed and bombed, and continued to fight. I also learned how people were able to move in and out of the ghetto, as well as how some polish people assisted the resistance.

Siobhan Burke said...

Before watching Uprising, I did not think that there was really any type of resistance from the Jews during the Holocaust. I had the same idea that most do, that they just kept their heads down and allowed the Nazi's to do what they did. I did not realize that there was actually an organized resistance, that looked like from what I saw in the movie, a very good resistance against the nazi's. They won some of the battles that they fought with the Nazi's, despite the fact that the Germans were one of the most powerful armies in the world. I also learned that this uprising lasted for over a month, which means that they were able to withstand one of the most powerful armies in the world longer than other armies did from other countries.

Joey Bernatchez said...

This movie had been by far my favorite movie that we have watched in the class so far. We spend so much time watching the Jewish people being beaten and destroyed, it was inspiring to me to see a group of people that were finally able to fight back. I never knew before the course about the Warsaw uprising and I was amazed to find out that this group of a handful of Jewish people could hold of the "all-powerful" Nazis for over a month. Watching the success that the people had in fighting back kept me intrigued and on the edge of my seat. I was happy to see that some of these fighters were able to escape safely. At first I thought that David Schwimmer would be hard to believe in this role but he did a good job. My favorite fighter was Mordechai.

Brian Hodgdon said...

Before we watched Uprising, I was unaware that there had been Jewish resistance inside the Warsaw ghetto. I did not know that such a large number of Jews organized themselves secretly to fight against the Nazis in the ghetto. I thought it was really courageous of the resistance fighters because they almost certainly knew they would die in the end. I also did not know that it took the Nazis so long to crush the resistance and that some amount of Jews were able to escape and survived. It was amazing to me that the Nazis had to level the whole Warsaw ghetto and still could not find the Jewish resistance fighters. I learned a lot form this film and I thought it was a very good movie.

Ryley palladino said...

This movie was one of the best so far. It was very interesting to see how many Jews fought against the nazis. The Warsaw ghetto was one of the most destructed places because of all the battles that were fought. The Jewish people of Warsaw are very brave for what they did to save hundreds of lives.

Maggie Tragakis said...

Before watching the Uprising, I assumed the Jewish people did not resist against the Nazis ad just let the holocaust happen. I also thought in my head, why wouldn't they just speak up or fight back but little did I know that's exactly what they did. They were so brave and determined to not go down without a fight. The Nazis were not at all easy to stand up against at the time since they had so much power, but that didn't stop the hope the jewish resistance had. They fought back long and hard and shows us that even when a strong force is against you, have hope and always fight back.

Jenna Thomas said...

Before watching the film, I did not know that there was Jewish resistance in the ghettos. I didn't know that there was such a large number of people willing to risk there lives fighting for each other. I was amazed at how brave the leaders were and how smart they were in smuggling guns and ammunition into the ghettos. I was happy to find out that most of them ended up living considering they risked their lives fighting for their friends and family by resisting the Nazis.

Sam Kruse said...

I had always been aware of a jewish uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, however, this movie illustrated to me the success the jews had in resistance. I had thought that the uprising was only a day or two long, yet I now know it lasted a month and that the jews created a legitimate problem for the Nazis. Also, I had no idea that the jews smuggled weapons into the ghetto or how they did it. Additionally, I was unaware of the training the jewish resistance had. This movie was very informative and revealed the truth of the uprising to me.

Jackson Venditti said...

After recently watching this film I had learned that there was a very large up rising in the ghettos. Before this I honestly thought that they never tried to stand up to the Nazis. Also that even though these Jewish resistance fighters were not as seasoned as the Nazi army they were able to fight back for over a month. I also did not know that not only did they fight back but they created elaborate underground systems to stay away from the bombings. Lastly i did not know that they even tried to escape the ghetto after the up rising was over.

Christopher Clancy said...

Throughout the course so far we have only watchedfilms on how the jewswere beaten by the Nazi regine, but in this movie it was refreshing to see the jews fight back against the Nazi supremacy. I couldn't believe that they stayed in the Warsaw ghetto even after it was destroyed to continue to fight back. It was inspiring and something I think we could all learn something from, to never give up no matter how tough the going is if it is something you believe in.

Kevin Blackney said...

Before watching the film, I had little knowledge of the Jewish uprising and resistance in the Warsaw ghetto. I learned how the Jews were able to successfully acquire weapons from the Nazis and organize a strong force that the Nazis could not fight back in some instances. The Jews were able to fight with the Nazis for over a month. I also learned more about how the Jews were treated in the ghetto previous to the uprising. I also thought the ways the Jews would try to escape were intriguing and was captivated by this moving film.

Adhu Krishnan said...

First off, I had no idea prior to this class that there was an uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. I also had not known that there was such an incredible underdog resistance that was able to fight off the great German machine for so long (months). This has changed my view on the holocaust drastically. I will admit that I did have some i guess what I would call anger towards the Jewish men of that time for not fighting back prior to watching this film. This will forever change my outlook on history and the present.

Adam Gibbs said...

Prior to watching this film, I would have never guessed that there was such a large scale uprising like the one that occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto. I had always assumed that their were resistance efforts, but I had no idea at how big they were. What surprised me the most was how the Jewish resistance members were able to get their hands on weapons from outside the ghetto. Similar to Adhu's comment, I never would have guessed that the Jews fought back to this extent. Prior to watching this film, I was frustrated with the Jews for not fighting back, but this film gave me a lot of relief. It was nice to see some Nazi's die for once.

Max Foy said...

Prior to watching Uprising, I did not know that some jews did fight back. I admired the tremendous courage shown by the jews that decided to fight back against one of the most powerful armies in the world at the time. It made me think about what I would have done if I were put into their position. The fear of risking your life against a superior army versus going to an unknown destination that could possibly result in your death. It took tremendous courage from the jews to fight back and I admire that greatly.

Leslie Donovan said...

Before watching this film I did not know much about the uprising of the Jews. This film gave me a great perspective of how the Jews fought back and had such a drive to leave the ghetto. I never realized how intense this was for the Jews from my regular classes, this film really gave an illustration of how the Jews really had to fight every last bit to get out.

Justin Beron said...

I have always known that some Jews tried to resist the Nazis, but I never knew the organization and determination that went into the defense. I also did not know the amount of people who risked their life and reputation smuggling the guns, ammunition, and explosives that the fighter relied so heavily on. Seeing how people with no prior fighting experience were able to hold off an entire army for more than a month, shows how they were truly fighting for their lives and showed the Nazis that their people would not just go quietly, but will fight to the death.

Kayla Harrington said...

Each day when watching the Uprising I ended up leaving with new information about the holocost that I had never known before. Originally before watching the film I never knew how much the Jewish people actually faught back. I found it amazing that just trying to survive they would put themselves in sewers. The film truly taught me the extremes people went through just to survive. The emotional pain and/or physical pain the Jews went through is unimaginable. When watching the movie I went as though I was there watching the whole thing play out.

Evan Kowaleski said...

I was surprised to learn that so many Jewish people in the Warsaw ghetto resisted the Nazis. I did not know that they were able to resist the Nazis to that scale. I was even more surprised to learn that they resisted in their small ghetto with no prior fighting experience for longer than the entire country of Poland was able to resist the Nazis. I was also surprised to learn about the underground tunnels and sewer systems which they used to smuggle in weapons and dynamite and eventually hide in. Their courage and will to live is inspiring and showed the Nazis that they would resist them no matter what.

Michael Gallo said...

Before watching the Uprising I was completely unaware theat there was even an uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. But the thing I was most surprised by was the success with which the resistance had, and over such a long time. This movie did a really good job at making those two points very clear and illistrateing them in an entertaining manner

joe said...

i never knew before watching the movie about the warsaw ghetto. i thought it was cool that the jews hid ans the nazis were afraid to go near there. it is amazing what people do under pressure in order to rebel and protect. the movie depicted well the lifestyle of jews during the period of time.

Jordan haskell said...

Watching his film i learned several things. I learned that after a certain point the jewish people didnt have much left to loss besides their lives which is when they decided to fight back. This wasnt just an angry mob protest either it was calculated and tacticly efficient revolt which both the germans and I did not think was possibly capable from regular polish citizens. I think this shows how just like an animal people are the most dangerous when they are cornered.

Brett rice said...

Throughout the film I realized that the Jews were fighting back against the bazi and they weren't just being captured and killed, I also learned that the Jews were able to get the reaources tthey need

John Towne said...

This film was inspiring as it showed the Jews who were pretty much helpless stand up for themselves and fight back. Before watching this film I had no idea that Jews were able to escape the ghettos in order to search for weapons and outside contact.

Tom Mayo said...


kevin skirvin said...

absent from class

kevin skirvin said...

absent from class