Monday, March 25, 2013


You recently viewed the PBS documentary The Longest Hatred in class. What did you learn that you did not know before watching the film?


Kissila Cruz said...

While watching this documentary, I have found to my knowledge that the Nazis, not only were they animalistic, cruel, and demanding of complete power, they had the ABILITY to wipe out MILLIONS of innocent young children. They could take away a child's life even IMMEDIATELY after it had been given. Their "reason" being that these children simply did not fulfill their ideological views and therefore, were not worthy enough to be apart of their world... There are no REAL words to describe the impact and reality of this statement. I say this, because of the disbelief that exists within it. The fact that something like this did happen, and was ALLOWED to happen is what makes it so difficult to understand and yet, IMPOSSIBLE for words to even describe. Another aspect I had learned after watching this documentary is one about myself. As an individual, when watching this documentary, I felt that I had more of a deeper understanding of what the Nazis had accomplished during that time, and even more of a deeper sentiment I felt for those that had gone through the torment of it all. Upon learning key facts, events, people and places in this film, I have also learned a little more about the kind of person I am, and what I value as an individual.

Kissila Cruz said...

ooops, posted on the wrong blog. SORRY! :D

Daniel Mahoney said...

I was absent that day.

Laryssa Guimaraes said...

It's hard to believe that someone could hate another man so much. I mean we all look for someone to blame but a whole religion that ridiculous. Why would people try to push hate into someone's mind. this was not just a simple disagreement. Its hard to see all of this and to think there are people out there that could hate someone to the point of murder. Because that's what the Christians were doing to the Jews. It's just unbelievable...

Michayla Savitt said...

I had no idea that the Jews were being persecuted so much in all those years. In Hebrew School I was taught about many historical events in the Jewish faith, but we never went into as much depth such as Jews being depicted as the Devil, torturing others, and many myths that were made up about them. I also learned that they were forced to wear material that identified them as Jews, which Hitler later used the same method. This film has even further affirmed my belief in the terrible and unfair ways Jews have been treated for many many centuries, before Christianity was popular, through many wars, and even today.

Kelsey Stone said...

In the PBS documentary The Longest Hatred, I learned more about the background of the Christian religion and how they viewed the Jewish people for believing in something slightly different. They were treated cruelly and did not deserve all the hatred put on them. They simply wanted to practice their religion separate from the Christians but were constantly getting tormented because they did not conform to what the Christians wanted. I did not know the Jewish people were facing discrimination for a long time before the Holocaust. It was interesting to see where Hitler inherited some of his ideas. I thought it was strange that the Christians wanted to extract the Jewish background of Jesus and his mother, even though they did not want anything to do with Judaism.

Michayla Savitt said...

Kelsey, I agree with you about how it was strange that at the time, the Christians wanted to worship Jesus, who was Jewish, while at the same time they hated Jews. It’s so crazy how the treatments of both groups were the exact opposite, even though they were the same faith.

Catie Raissipour said...

When watching this documentary, I did not know about the man named Luther. He seemed like the prequel to Hitler to me and the early hatred really upset me. By teaching hatred through stories in religion, it only enables genocides such as the Holocaust in future generations to occur.

Catie Raissipour said...

I agree with Michayla. I was rather disturbed by the "artwork" depicting the Jews as the devil or eating the excretion of cows. It portrayed them so negatively and reminded me of the propaganda and cartoons by Thomas Nast. I'm so embarrassed that human kind has ever behaved in such a manner.

Greg Waite said...

From the documentary we watched in class, I learned just how long the Jewish people have been mistreated. Pretty much ever since the death of Jesus Christ, the Jews have been used as a scape goat by virtually everyone. It opened my eyes more to how scary the human race can be to discriminate against an entire race of people for so long.

Greg Waite said...

I agree with Laryssa, its scary to think about what people can do to other people and the power of their actions.

Emily Bigwood said...

I was shocked that the violence and hatred against the Jews had gone on for so long. Also, I knew who Martin Luther was through church because I am lutheran and I had to study him to get confirmed. But learning about his attitude towards the Jews made me view him and my religion in a new way.

Erin Gendron said...

Watching this documentary helped me understand more of the Christian religion and where they stood in their beliefs against the Jews. However, I am still confused as to why the Christians hated Jews but followed Jesus, who was Jewish. Christianity is about forgiving the man who sins and loving everyone and I am still taken back on how contradictory their actions were.

Nicole DeMichele said...

While watching the documentary I learned how long the jewish people were being mistreated. I didn't think that they were being mistreated for that long and hated to see how long and horrible the cruelty towards them was.

Nicole DeMichele said...

I agree with Laryssa, It is hard for me to come to terms with the fact that one person can hate another so much that they want to kill them and all of the people that are like them. Its horrible.

Kassandra Mangan said...

I was surprised that the Christians had built up this hatred for the Jews for so long and that they tried to strip Jesus of his Jewish background just to make their beliefs more valid. I don't understand how two people so similar coming from like backgrounds could just turn on each other like that

Emily Bigwood said...

I agree with what Laryssa wrote. I think that it was ridiculous for people to blame all of their problems on a certain religion, and I was shocked by the level of hatred between the two faiths. What really struck me about this film was how people took something like religion that is supposed to promote good values and twisted its message to hurt other people.

Elise Brown said...

I was not aware of the fact that the jews had been a target group for descrimination earlier in history. I want to know what the reaction of the non-jews at the time. Did they stay quiet like they would later in history and obey the higher power or did they realize how wrong this was and try to stop it.

Elise Brown said...

I agree with catie. Luther reminded me alot of Hitler based on his beliefs and rapid action in discriminating against the jews and his dipiction of them.

Amanda Millward said...

I agree with Laryssa that it is horrible to think that people can hate other people so much that they would be okay with murdering them.

Daniel Mahoney said...

I was very surprised to find that the prosecution of Jew's went back so long in history. Almost all the things the Nazi's did to the Jew's happened to them at least once before meaning that unfortunately History is very used to seeing the Jew's blamed for everything.

Daniel Mahoney said...

I also agree with Kelsey, it's pretty absurd that the Christians hated Jew's even though Jesus was Jewish.

Kissila Cruz said...

I think it was very interesting for me to learn that the hatred of jews was not something introduced in the holocaust, but very back when christ was born. I never knew before how they were mistreated by christians, and uncovering more about the man, and ultimate dictator, Luther who formed the protestant religion was very interesting. He seemed to be exactly like Hitler. I can agree with Catie on that.

Koya Nakata said...

I had never quite realized the extent to which Jews had been demonized throughout history. The struggle of power between ideologies creates rifts and irreparable schisms, and the results can be quite terrifying if left unchecked; the cruel irony is in the fact that the most important period--early civilization development--was when such hatred was dominant, and thus set in stone. Perhaps with this knowledge we as human beings can work ever more towards peace...but I doubt it. What prejudices do we hold today? The list goes on...

Koya Nakata said...

Like Catie, I had previously known little of Luther except for his contribution of his scriptures to church doors; that such a supposedly "progressive" man at the time was a raving anti-Semite only furthers my distrust in us as sentient beings. There will always be a scapegoat, and the only pertinent question as the times change is who they will be.

Julianne Uhlman said...

I agree with Erin in that this documentary helped me understand what the reasons were for their hatred against Jews. I still don't understand however why these reasons were valid and why they had lead to such an awful event in history. The idea that the Christians so closely resembled the Jews with the devil was absolutely ridiculous to me. I as an individual have a really hard time understanding religion and its effect over people. Due to this, it doesn't make any sense to me why the " religious beliefs" of a person can create them to be looked at in entirely different ways. In this case, a inhuman and demonic way. This documentary was definitely eye opening, yet only created more frustration for myself towards some people's views of religion and the ways in which it depicts a person's view of someone else.

Kara Murphy said...

The thing that shocked me the most is how long that everybody hated the Jews for. It's amazing seeing how cruel people can be to another human being without even caring at all. It made me really sick, and it helped me realize what it really means to be a good person

Kara Murphy said...

I agree with Kissila. These people are pathetic and it is not fair or right under and circumstances to go off killing people for no reason (or any reason) whatsoever. It really opens your eyes to the kind of person you are and want to be, as well as how the people in the film were.

Samantha Kehoe said...

I agree with Catie. Luther reminded me a lot of Hitler because of how he had a close-minded idea in his head which caused him to do everything in his power in order to enforce it. He taught hatred and discrimination in stories which made people follow his ideals and beliefs, causing more tension between the two religions.

Jess Orlando said...

I agree with Laryssa that this was an unbelievable thing to take in. I did not know that there had been this hatred towards Jews from the Catholic faith so long ago. I honestly knew pretty much nothing about the Crusades and thought that anti-Semitism was an idea that came from WWII alone. I feel disrespectful towards the Jewish friends I have and the faith in general for not being more educated before hand. As a Catholic person, I am ashamed to look back and see that our history was that of murdering innocent people. I wish that religions didn't feel like they were better than another, but that each was respected. It blows my mind that all this could have happened.

Margo Murphy said...

I never knew that the persecution of Jews went so far back in history, especially with the Catholics in the Roman Empire. I have never learned that Catholics burnt down synagogues and destroyed whole towns of Jewish people in my religious education classes. I don't understand Catholics reasoning for thinking that Jews were somehow the devil and therefore almost disciples of Satan. It shocked me to even find out that the Pope was telling people that Jews were bad, the devil and that people should go burn down their homes and synagogues.

Margo Murphy said...

I agree with Kelsey and find how Christians wanted to extract the Jewish background from Jesus and the Virgin Mary very interesting. I believe that today the Catholic Church is still trying to eliminate Jesus being a Jew or at least just putting it on the back burner and not mentioning it on purpose.

Kristen Ward said...

I learned a lot watching this documentary. I did not know that Christian practices were originially based off of Jewish practices and that the Jewish religion had a lot of influence on Christianity. In away, the two religions seem similar and I don't see why Christian's hated Jews so much.

Kristen Ward said...

I agree with Kassandra. It is new information to me that Christian's were very mean to Jew's and hated them. They were extremely abusive and brutal and this is not fair at all, especially because Judaism came first (I believe, but I could be wrong on that). The extent that Christians attacked, burned and killed Jewish worships is very heartbreaking.

Keith Leslie said...

There was relatively little surprising about this documentary. While I was not necessarily aware of certain specific methods utilized, I was well aware of the long history of anti-semitism. One needs only to look, for example, at the Black-Hundred pogroms, the expulsion of Jews from Spain, etc.

James Plowman said...

It's hard to believe that someone could hate another man so much and that the hatred has been around for a very long time. It's hard to believe that one kind of person could ever be blamed for everyones problems.

James Plowman said...

I agree with Kriten. I have learned alot from these films. I knew that jewish people were hated and blamed for everyones problems but not to the degree that i saw in the video. Its sad not just for jews but that people could possibly feel good abpout themselves for hating them.

Michael Hillier said...

The documentary showed that the Jewish people were being treated unfairly because the Christians did extremely disrespectful things to all of the Jews. The Christians and Jews come from similar backgrounds but they were extremely disrespectful to each other just based off of religious beliefs.

Michael Hillier said...

I agree with Amanda because I had no idea how unfairly the Jews were treated until I watched the video. I was also not aware of the horrific disrespect towards each other even though I am a Christian today.

Brandon Hamilton said...

By teaching kids at a young age, that Jews were the "bad" people in the world, they are very gullible, and will be brainwashed into thinking those things, and will grow up to by anti- semetic.

Brandon Hamilton said...

I agree with Michayla in that I had never knew that Jews were hated a long time before the Holocaust. I never had any idea...

ellery murray said...

I learned that the extension of the hatred for jews extended back to the middle ages, which i didn't know. I also heard from the film they called the jews an "insufferable burden" which i thought was such a strong word insult against the jews. I still find it unbeliveabe that no other country took action and helped the jews, and i am very surprised that a man like Hitler could get away with something like this.

ellery murray said...

I agree with Laryssa that its surpirising to think that somebody could hate somebody so much that they try to eliminate an entire species of humans. How could anybody have the mindset to allow this to happen?

Sarah Connors said...

I am still thinking about the video the longest hatred long after watching it. I never knew that the negative attitude towards Judaism has been long existing and that it was sparked by the Catholic Church. It kind of makes me feel bad, being a catholic, even though I know it originated long ago. This film explained so much to me about the background of where this hatred towards the Jews originated from. It still astonishes me to see how badly the Jews were treated, and even today to realize that they are still not treated equally after all these years.

Sarah Connors said...

I agree with what Sam is saying about the connection is clearer now when relating the Longest Hatred to the way Jews were discriminated against during the Holocaust. It is more easily seen to me know why the Jews were forced to wear the yellow Stars of David. Although all of this information about how the Jews were treated is shocking and extremely disturbing, it is finally coming together as to how the negative attitude towards the Jews originated and why it lasted so long.

Unknown said...

It was hard to believe that someone could hate other men. Sometimes we would all will look for someone to get into trouble but when it comes to hate a whole religion that is just harsh.

Unknown said...

It was hard to believe that someone could hate other men. Sometimes we would all will look for someone to get into trouble but when it comes to hate a whole religion that is just harsh.