Monday, November 28, 2011


Between July 22nd and September 12th of 1942, the German authorities deported more than 400,000 Jews who were living in the Warsaw ghetto. The Germans then began the second phase of their operation to remove the remaining Jews from the Warsaw ghetto on April 19, 1943, the eve of Passover. The renewal of deportations was the signal for an armed uprising within the ghetto. The German command originally estimated that it would only take them a few days to put down the resistance. Standing against tanks and seasoned combat troops, the Uprising lasted for more than a month. In your post cite what you learned that you did not know before watching the film.


Julie Masterson said...

Before watching the video, I had no idea that some Jewish citizens banded together to create a unified resistance. I had always sort of been under the impression that because of the conditions and harsh restrictions put on the jews, doing something like what the characters in the movie did would have been virtually impossible. It's nice to see that there were people brave enough to fight for their lives and their people instead of just cowering in submission. I thought the film was very inspiring.

Mara Frumkin said...

Out of all of the times I have studied the Holocaust, I had never heard of any resistance. I was simply ecstatic to see this awesome sight of the Jews blasting the Nazis. Justice. Even if the Jews still lost 6 million people due to the Holocaust, it is still nice to know that some of them resisted. I know that if I was in this situation I would be so angry that I would want to resist. Even learning about it I wish I could do something for the Jews. What the Nazis did was completely uncalled for. It is very refreshing to see the Jews getting revenge. It's nice to know that some of them tried to resist.

Briana Arnold said...

I was absent ... but for the part i did watch i was relieved that some jews actually had the bravery and almost common sense in a way to try to do something and fight back against the Nazi's, before watching this film i was simply assuming that all the jews just let the Nazi's push them around and drag them from one place to another and eventually to there death.

Molly Hester said...

Before watching this film I never fully understood how hard some of the people fought, and to what lengths they would go to just show show a form of resistance. For example I never knew that some Jewish people would sneak over the ghetto walls to go onto the Arian side just to be able to get a slice of bread to try and feed their whole family. Also I never considered that some of the Jewish people didn't know where they were going when they boarded the trains, like the nursery full of kids and how they thought they were going to a fun camp was absolutely heartbreaking. I fully respect all of the people who took place in the uprising, and I believe any of the people who did die during it did die with honor and dignity.

Jess Beliveau said...

I had no idea before watching this film what the Warsaw Ghetto was, let alone that 400,000 Jewish people were deported from there to concentration camps. I also learned that Jewish people traveled back and forth across their borders within the ghetto to get information to allies. I didn't know that during the resistance there was help from the outside, but it makes sense because you have to get ammunition from somewhere. It was really inspiring.

Greg Mihaiu said...

After all the things I have heard in the past about the holocaust, this video affects me the most. I knew that the Jews had suffered through hard times but after seeing this movie, I saw with my own eyes how hurt they really were. The Jews tried to fight back and resist against the Nazi's and that's good for them because they lost millions of people due to the Nazi's. If I were in this situation, I would be furious at the Nazi's for doing what they did so I am glad they fought back.

Greg Mihaiu said...

I agree with Julie's thoughts. I'm glad the Jewish citizens joined together to resist against the Nazi's. I'm glad to see that the Jew's tried to take control and they were brave enough to fight for their lives. This was a great film and it did a good job on showing what life was like for the Jews at that time.

Andrew Lampi said...

Before watching this film, I had no idea that the Jewish people had revolted so openly. I had seen the movie Defiance before, and that is about a group of Jewish people who go into the forest and resist the Nazis from there, but I had no idea that this type of thing was going on in the ghettos where the Jews would have no place to escape if they started to lose ground. What also surprised and inspired me was the level of dedication these people had to their cause. When others just gave in and accepted their fate, these people decided to take a stand to defend themselves, their fellow oppressed, and the ideas that they lived by.

Andrew Lampi said...

I agree with Michelle, these people are true heros. They are not your fictional heros who you hope to be like and who you dream of being real. These were actual people who did actual things who made an actual difference. What these people did is truly extraordinary and personally, I find it to be truly inspiring.

Justin Cole said...

I was absent for this assignment.

Yakov N said...

Finally a movie that answered my question. I always wondered why the Jews didnt resist. There were 6 million right? The fight should have been in our favor. But now I see that I was wrong. Jews did resist and it worked. The resistance held out for a month. It brought hope to those who had lost theirs and renewed the spirit to live. I absolutely loved this movie.

Yakov N said...

I agree with Mara. It was long overdue for us to see some Nazi's be taken down. I realize that not all soldiers were Nazi or that not all agree or that there were reasons for their actions that may not have been voluntary but nevertheless it is oddly refreshing to walk out of first period feeling a sense of contentment and knowing that there was resistance and there was still hope.

Molly Hester said...

I agree with Julie, that seeing these everyday people become extraordinary people who fought to defend their people in the face of the must dangerous, and heartless soldiers. They stood up for what they believe in and that is truly inspiring.

Naloti Palma said...

I have never seen a film before which showed the resistance of the Jews. I always thought from what I have watched in the past that they would not be possible to build an uprising like that with the restrictions that they nazi's put on them. I also did not think that the Jew's would be able to go over the brick wall they had built to get to the other side and find food. I probably would have never thought about smuggling guns or food into the ghetto and fighting back.

Becky Litwin said...

Before watching the film I had no idea truly about the ghettos. I knew they existed but I didn't know the actual process of putting the Jews in a smaller contained area and then shipping them out to the labor or death camps in groups for specific reasons. I thought it was just go in and right away the people got sent to the various places. I'm honestly surprised that more people didn't step up and try to revolt. I feel as if everyone in the ghetto fought together there is a greater chance of being successful and an increased opportunity for people to flee. Just goes to show how much fear and lack of knowledge about what was actually going to happen was running through the ghetto. The Uprising was a very powerful and emotional movie that should be watched by many to show the truth of the nazis and the bravery of the victims.

Litwin said...

I agree with Jess in that I did not know the number of people that were shipped off from the ghetto, the number is shockingly high. Even after seeing the movie I wonder how they could treat the people the way they did and with such effiency they could clear out a whole city. It's beyond me to try to even begin to understand because I truly never will get the vile actions of the nazis.

Brian Macario said...

I was surprised to see that some of the Jews joined together to fight the Nazis because I didn't know that they fought back. I was actually glad to see that they fought back. Ever since I first heard about the Holocaust I've always wanted to know if the jews ever fought back and by watching this movie, that question was answered.

Matt DeRusha said...

I thought that this film was incredibly hard to watch. They would murder jews for absolutely no reason.. just because of their religion. It is absolutely unbelievable that they fit 400,000 jews into one small area, and nearly ALL of them were murdered. One thing i liked about this film was its historical accuracy, and the portrayal of the "good guys" in the situation, the rebels. I thought it was very brave of them to stand up to the nazi's, and i thought it was unbelievable how they were able to smuggle weapons for hundreds of soldiers, when they are basically imprisoned in this ghetto.

Matt DeRusha said...

I agree with Becky, in the sense that i was also suprised more people didnt step up. There were 400,000 people in that small confined area, and only several hundred (maybe a couple thousand at most) stepped up. I personally would rather die a hero, or maybe have a very slim chance of winning the battle and escaping, than sit back and wait for the nazi's to murder my family and I.

Robby Doretti said...

I had no idea about anything that had to do with the ghetto. I didn't know that 400,000 Jews were sent to the ghetto. I also didn't know that there was actually an armed resistance fighting against the Nazi's. It was actually really nice to see people actually fighting back and killing the Nazi's and it was also nice to see all the Jews have a sense of hope from fighting back.

Robby Doretti said...

I agree with Jess, I also didn't realize that some of the Jews traveled out of the ghetto and that people outside of the ghetto were helping by smuggling weapons to give to the resistance fighters. There was a lot that I had no idea about before watching this movie.

Preetam Naini said...

There were many things i didn't know before watching the film, but the biggest thing was that i never knew that there was an uprising. In all my years in this school system, I have never heard of any Jewish resistance of this magnitude that took place in one of the ghettos. It is really impressive and surprising that these brave men and women, especially the women, had the guts to stand up and fight one of the biggest armies in the world at that time. They fought hard and long and even though in the end they were forced to escape, they showed the rest of the world how tough they were, both mentally and physically.

Robert Conley said...

I did not know before watching this that there were Jewish groups who resisted after the deportations began. I did know from the movie defiance that bands of jews resisted the nazis but i did not think it was possible for them do resist once confined in the ghetto. For me this is even more incredible as these young individuals were able to lead an effective resistance against all odds.

Robert Conley said...

I agree with Preetham in the fact that resisting against these odds demonstrated an unparalleled degree of bravery and toughness. Their actions are inspiring as these individuals stood up for what little remaining they had and for the survival of themselves and their friends and family. I was put to the edge of my seat and was even happy that they got back at the Nazi's who had afflicted so much pain and death on the jews.

Aidas Rudis said...

I liked the fact that the Jews led a resistance force against the Nazis knowing that the Nazis were only going to torture them even worse then they already had. I agree with Mara that I never saw this event happen in all the times I have studied the Holocaust. Also the movie was damn awesome becuase it showed how a group of Jews a couple thousand strong took out the same amount of Nazis as in their convoy with the same weaponry as them. The difference was that they didn't have half-tracks or tanks, but they did have hideouts and mines.
This movie reminded me of a game I started playing at about the same time called Sabateur where one man leads an uprising to destroy all the Nazis and their possessions.

Amos Omeler said...

this video was good because i saw how the jews stood up to fight for themselves until they got free. no matter what they losts many and fought to the end

Meghan O'Neil said...

I learned so much information from this film. It was very eye opening and I learned a lot about the Jewish resistance. I did not even know there was a Jewish resistance before watching this film. I thought it was crazy how even under their conditions they were still able to make such an impact.The images of the Jews defeating the Nazi's were very powerful. I didn't think the Jews would risk so much to go against the Nazi's when the Nazi's had such great power. It showed their bravery and willingness to take a stand. I also never knew that the Jews who were put on the trains didn't know where they were going.

Derek Taranto said...

Prior to watching this film i had no idea that there were any Jewish resistance groups in Germany. I found it truly inspirational that there were alctually collections of jews inside ghettos that were devoted to fighting nazi oppession. They knew that thier death was inevitable so they decided to die trying to win thier freedom. They were also qhite successful concidering the numbers of them compared to the jew. They used the very little weapons they had to great effect and greatly slowed down the jew deportation. I had no idea this happened.

Matt Davis said...

i learned that resistance is the best way for being involved in something to make a difference because it turns out there are going to be people who want to be on your side but are to afraid to start something themselves and resistance allows them to be a part of change. thats why i think there was success because the people believed in what mordecai had to say against the nazis

Alli Olejarz said...

In the film Uprising, I learned that the fighters held off the german army for a month. This was an incredible feat since a huge strong army with a lot of resorces such as the german army was a seemingly impossible thingto do. But the jewish rebellion had their mines set and fought will all their passion and ability. This gave them the strength to hold off a professional well trained army.

Renata Katz said...

I was absent this day