Thursday, April 14, 2011


The motion picture, The Pianist is the true story of Wladyslaw Szpilman who was the most accomplished piano player in Poland, if not all of Europe, in the 1930s. This film does an excellent job of explaining why it became impossible for the Jewish people living in Europe to escape the Nazis and the plight of hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Warsaw. Post a reflective comment about the film.


Steph Debs said...

I felt as if The Pianist helped me to understand what it was like in the beginning of the war. The Jewish people were treated so poorly by the German officers as well as the Jewish police. I was surprised to learn that there were Jewish police officers willing to beat the Jews to please the Germans. The scene where the people were being crammed into a train was expecially heartbreaking. So many people were beaten and killed for no reason and to see them all scared and going hungry and waiting was so sad. I felt as if the movie showed just how bad the real people of Warsaw were feeling. I'm looking foward to renting the movie and seeing what happens to Wladyslaw Szpilman and his family and whether or not they all survived.

matt cullen said...

I thought The Pianist was a very interesting movie. It made it very clear what life was like for a jew in a European ghetto. It helped me understand some of the hardships jews faced and the horrible persecution of the jews by german soldiers.

Megan Sullivan said...

The movie, ‘The Pianist’ was a very interesting and intriguing film. The movie did a very good depicting the tough times that the Jewish faced. Some parts of the movie were very hard to watch. I could never imagine living in a society where you were barricaded in and people were lying dead on the street. The film being very disturbing made it clear how tough these times were for people like the Jewish. I am very interested to see the outcome of this movie even though we won’t be watching it in class.

Megan Sullivan said...

I agree with Matt when he says that the movie made it clear the hardships that the Jewish faced.

Stephen Geller said...

"The Pianist" is an extremely emotional movie and is an intense account of what life was like for Jews living in the Ghettos during the early stages of the Haulacaust. It was disturbing to watch how relentless the Nazi and Polish officers were towards the helpless Jews. It was also extremely hard for me to understand how Jewish police officers could turn on their own people and treat them so badly. The scene that was most unbelievable to me was when the Nazi officers raided a Jewish families apartment in the Ghetto and through a handicapped man over the balcony to fall to his death. This was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen, but these kinds of things really happened. I am very curious to see what will happen to Szpilman and his family.

Stephen Geller said...

I agree with the Steph in that the movie does a great job of depicting the Ghettos for how they truly were. The movie does a great job in showing what life was really like for the Jews and how terrible the living conditions were.

Kevin Ruhl said...

The movie "The Pianest" was very hard to watch at some points. I thought that it was a very interesting movie, but to see the way that the Jews were treated was hard to watch. I don't understand why some of them were treated so terribly, for simply walking on the sidewalk or not bowing when passing a german soldier. I thought that the way the jews were treated in the Warsaw ghetto was cruel and uncalled for.

Kevin Ruhl said...

I agree with Geller in that it was hard to watch the mistreatment of the jews in the Warsaw ghetto by the German and Polish Nazis, and also that it was hard to comprehend how the jewish officers could standby and watch the mistreatment of their fellow jews.

Matt Rouleau said...

the movie the Pianist was a really hard movie to watch because the Jewish people were treated really bad from the German officer. It was really hard to watch because we were seeing people getting killed. I agree with megan because it was hard time for the jewish people that hard time they went through.

Kelsey Beron said...

This movie gave me a much better perspective on the brutality that the Jews faced from the Nazi’s. And actually watching the awful incidents that took place have a much greater impact I feel. Something I learned from the movie that I didn’t know before was that some of the Jews converted over to Hitler’s force and were a part of the awful treating of the other Jews.

Kelsey Beron said...

I agree with Kevin on how hard it was to watch the movie and also how difficult it was to understand why and how the Jewish soldier’s could stand by and watch the happenings.

Meg Burke said...

I think the pianist is an excellent movie so far. It did a great protrayal of life in the ghettos, which most films dont show as much as the concentration camps. I had never realized that the Jewish had a police force of their own in the ghetto that was very abusive and oppressive towards its own people.

Meg Burke said...

I agree with Steve that the worse scene was seeing the handicapped man being thrown over a balcony by two Nazi officers, it was a very hard scene to watch.

Lane Bennett said...

When we began to watch this movie, I was not prepared for what I was about to see. Many times I wanted to look away, and at the end of every period my day seemed to be a little less bright. I have Jewish friends, one of them happens to be one of the sweetest people I know, and it kills me to think that she or someone in her family could have been one of these people. I've always understood that the Holocaust was undiniably a horrible tragedy in which millions of people died, but learning about it through a textbook can make it seem like just a number. Truely understanding the gravity of the situation is done best by personalizing it. Despite how horrible it makes me feel, I would like to rent "The Pianist" and finish it someday.

Lane Bennett said...

I agree with Steven - I can't imagine why other Jews would be in league with the Nazis. I also don't understand why Nazis would allow help from the Jews, since the Jews are the ones being persecuted in the first place. I suppose some people are willing to do anything or serve anyone to survive.

Emily Hite said...

I had missed the beginning of the film but out of the small bit I got to see I don't know what to say. I can't really say how I feel about what had happened. I believe that people think it's easy by saying that it's sad or awful what had happened to these people, but those simple words don't truly express it completely. The film I do feel does a good job for portraying that time period and I'm grateful we watched as much as we could have.

Emily Hite said...

On what Kelsey had said about how some of the Jews actually joined the Nazis was surprising, but in a way it wasn't. It's hard to understand why they would join the group who were killing their families and friends, but on the other hand it can be understandable. They were probably scared and maybe thought they would have a better chance of survival or would get something in return. I wonder what happened to those people.

Sarah Van said...

Watching the pianist made me really see how hard life was like during that time period. The Jewish families all went through tormenting and horrible times. One example of this was when the Nazi's came into the Warsaw ghetto into the apartments and raided the rooms just because they felt like it. Another sad scene amongst many was when a Jewish family split a small piece of candy into sixths to feed everyone. This was their last meal as a family. In my eyes, it angered me when the Jewish police would beat the fellow Jews just like the Nazi's. I agree with Amanda B, I think that the Jewish police should have been a lot kinder to the fellow Jews because they were all going through the same things.

Amanda Hutchinson said...

The movie The Pianist was extremely hard for me to watch. The movie made the Holocaust more of a real event to me. I felt emotions for the Jews as I watched this film. Stephen mentioned that it was hard for him to understand how the Jewish police officers could turn on their own people and I'm just as confused. I understand that they were trying to save their own lives but what about their family's or their neighbor's? It still amazes me that events such as this could occur in the world.

Dan Arnold said...

After watching this movie, i realised the pain and hardships that the Jewish people had to bare during the time period of the Nazi control. It amazes me that people could stand by watching a whole culture of people be uprooted from there homes and crambed titley into one area and then be slowley starved and be killed off by Nazi soliers as if it were a game to them. I think that the film showing the grusome and disterbing acts that the German soldierd carried out against the Jews shows the truth about how life really was in the Ghettos.

Antony Macario said...

This movie is one of the best movies that I have seen. The pianist does agreat job showing people how hard life was for jewish at that time. Everything that they had to go through. It was a sad movie because they show how bd jewish people were treat even know they haven't done anythingto deserved that. After I saw this movie I learn how to apriciate everything that I have more. I went home and show this movie to my family we watch it together and they like it too. They told me that they learn a lot from it too.

Antony Macario said...

This movie is one of the best movies that I have seen. The pianist does agreat job showing people how hard life was for jewish at that time. Everything that they had to go through. It was a sad movie because they show how bd jewish people were treat even know they haven't done anythingto deserved that. After I saw this movie I learn how to apriciate everything that I have more. I went home and show this movie to my family we watch it together and they like it too. They told me that they learn a lot from it too.

James Seatter said...

The pianist is my favorite movie we have watched so far this years. I found the film very interesting while still leaning about the lifestyle of the Jews in the ghetto. A few things in the movie really stuck in my mind. I was shocked to see the Jewish police help the Nazis and turn on their own people. Another thing that I found shocking was the raids by the soldiers, especially the scene where they threw the elderly handicapped man over the balcony.

Amanda Borglund said...

I was absent the day the blog was assigned

Nick Farrar said...

I was absent on this day