Monday, March 29, 2010


You recently viewed the PBS documentary The Longest Hatred in class. Please share what you learned from the film and make at least one  comment on another student's post.


Rachel Afshari said...

I wasn't in class today.

Ryan Santom said...

i was amazed by the movie actually showing me the speed of how the Germans started to hate Jews and how that one person "Adlof Hitler" managed to use his tallent of making powerful speaches to go and make the Germans join the Nazi party even when he whent to jail and in the time to come creat the bigest human slaughter works in the history of the world and help put the human race to the edge of its existance in making nations and powers be edgy and prepaired to make a war that could be worse than World war 1 and 2 for our future possibly if things keep going on as they have been because history always repeats itself but in there own way.

sara ortiz colon said...

this video was very interesting i learned alot from it its sad how innocent people where killed just becouse they where jews it made me want to cry seeing children in the streets of this video starving to death in this classs ive learned so much about the war i never really knew how many people where killed in the war until today

Ethan Hoell said...

i was surprised that the Nazi movement was started in southern Germany rather than in Berlin

Vaughn Sewell said...

I think i learned alot about the overall morale in Germany pre-Hitler and during his reign. It was interesting to see that Germany wasn't really in a position where they were hating people for the sake of hating people, but they were just having an awful time in their country. Hitler then used this to his advantage by giving them someone to blame like the jews. To be completely honest I grew up viewing Germany as an unpleasant country full of people who were very aggresive and even churlish. At the end of class all I could think of was what if Hitler's political views were actually moral? With his power of voice and persuasion he could have done alot of great things for the world, he was just on the wrong side of things.

Allison Shea said...

This film did a really good job of showing how the German people were feeling at the end of World War I. The soldiers were very angry that the war was called off, it seemed that they were not ready to give up even though everyone else wanted the war to be over. I thought that it was particularly interesting to see the effect inflation had on the German people. The little kids were starving on the street because they could not find food. These images remind me of the films of the starving Jews taken after the discovery of the Nazi Camps. I agree with Vaughn that the persuasive power of Hitler, even now, even though we do not speak his language and know that what he said is wrong is still frightening.

Mariane Leite said...

The movie shows the raise of the nazis each most of us probably know a little bit from studying it, but it was important to see where did the hatred for jewish came from and also how they still believe they were right.

Tom O'Connor said...

It was disturbing for me to see the mindsets of some of the Germans today. Some of the people who were a part of the Nazi party still feel the same way they did back then. They were trying to make it okay and convince the audience of the same thing. This was a really good movie so far. I have found it really interesting

Emily Madson said...

I agree with Tom it was disturbing to see that some Germans are still stuck in the same mindset and feel that the Jewish were trying to lead a world wide conspiracy. Besides that I didn't learn anything new. I recently did a research project on propaganda during wwII and between that and the video I can see why the Germans followed Hitler. The country was suffering and Hitler was able to boost morale, give the people hope, and give them someone to blame beside themselves.

Haemin Burke said...

This document really shows the points of view from those who were involved in the nazi party and other associations within the Holocaust era. It allowed me to really understand their views before and after the holocaust, and also it showed me how powerful and manipulative Hitler truly was.

Evan Pappazisis said...

I agree with Vaughn in that the film gave the perspective of the people in Germany pre-Hitler, which I personally think accentuates how powerful it was to see how the German people fell in love with him and simply adored him. I also think that Hitler's abilities to inspire people were put to the wrong use, simply because he was on the wrong side of things.

Asher Abrahams said...

The movie definetly surprised me. I learned so much that i didnt know abouty Hitler before watching the movie, like he went to jail for nine months, and that he robbed a bank before coming to power. I find it sad the Germany knowing this information still pit him in power. It just goes to show how easily people can be manipulated.

sara ortiz colon said...

this video was very interesting i wonder why there was so much hate towards the jews its sad that they had these people eating animal crap. its crazy how the world is the pictures in this film are very beautiful but its horrible how these people were torchered and killed

Ryan Santom said...

the blog i wrote on march 31st is on hitler and the nazis rise to power but my veiw on the longest hatred is that i am amazed because i dident know as much info on the nazis and how they got the idea on how to cause the holocaust till i saw this video and it was so interesting that this hatred being put onto the jews is mind blowing and i now "see the light" on what i am learning about in this class and how this will change me forever in a good way on how i act and think in life.

Ethan Hoell said...

I find it interesting how over thousands and thousands years that people use Jews as a scape goat and still people are angry with the jews taking isreal I feel that they deserve it and it's wring that they are persicuted for it when usually the opressor is the one that caused the problem

Kelly Reilly said...

I thought it was an amazing similarity that Pope Innocent III had made the Jews wear the color yellow as a means of identification and classification, a model upon which Hitler based his distinction fo the Jews. I also thought that it was surprising how readily people were to accept and place blame on the Jewish people, simply because they wanted a remedy or release.

Andrew La Belle said...

It was very interesting to see exactly how much hatred their was twoards the jews, and not just during the Nazis rein. It was also interesting to see how marking Jews with a yellow star of david actually stemmed from the church marking Jews with a yellow circle.

Osman Alnaal said...

Osman Alnaal

I was surprised to see how the hatred of the Jews began. I also was surprised by the fact that this hatred towards them has lasted so long. I have to disagree with what Ethan said about the Jews taking Israel though. I just dont believe somebody can walk into a country and claim it as theirs.

Allison Shea said...

I like, Ryan was surprised that so much of what the Nazi's did came from the Church. I was surprised at what some of the people where saying. I think it is silly, for that Catholic faith to work Jesus needed to die so he could save the world from sin. So I guess, today on Good Friday, I should say thank you to the Jews for making my religion. This movie however still bothered me I do not think that it was very well balanced, however I found it interesting.

Unknown said...

Sanjiv Banavali

I wasn't in class when we viwed the film.

Unknown said...

Sanjiv Banavali

I wasn't in class when we viewed the film.

Haemin Burke said...

This document really made me realize that religion is becoming man made. In this document i watched the jews die due to a man made belief, and it's sad to see how people are using hatred for more power within religion.

Jon Rohald said...

This film, to me, was the most powerful film we have watched so far this year. It showed how one blip in history, the rebellion of Jews in Roman times has carried over to a long lasting spree of hatred and persecution. It showed how history has repeated itself in this oppressive force- like Kelly mentioned how the yellow stars worn by the Jews in the Holocaust originated with Pope Innocent III. To me, this is the reason for the class. To show how stupid all of this hatred is and how little of it (if any at all) is based in fact. In order to stop this cycle of hatred and history repeating, people have to realize how blatantly stupid and juvenile all of these ideas are. This is how to stop things like the inquisition and the Holocaust, from ever repeating themselves.

Allie Lonstein said...

I know I am a little late but I felt it important that I post.

I am Jewish and my family escaped from Poland right before the Holocaust began. However, my grandma was friendly with many survivors. The part of the movie that I found really interesting is where all of the typical Jewish stereotypes came from. People say, "Don't be such a Jew." and mean it to be, "don't be so tight with your money." In the movie it showed that the only job the Jewish people were allowed to participate in was being a broker and dealing with money on a daily basis. I thought it hurtful that people negatively associate the Jewish people with something that we could not prevent. I also know that any Holocaust survivors that moved to the United States often had very little money. When they started up businesses they were forced to be smart about how they spent their money.

I could really relate to this video. It helped to provide the facts about the Jewish people, connect some of the facts to the racial slurs that I have been hearing my whole life, and show the lack of validity of those slurs.

Allie Lonstein said...

I thought that the movie provided the evidence that is necessary to be able to understand where some of the racial slurs associated with Jewish people came from. Often Jewish people are associated with being "tight with their money." However, the only job they were allowed to participate in was to be a broker. It seems very harsh to nail a race with hateful sayings that are not completely true. Also, when the Jewish people came to the United States before or during the Holocaust they often had no money and needed to be smart about how they spent money.

Also, I thought it was terrible how the Jewish people were associated with the devil. I knew this before but it is painful to hear.

Lastly, I thought it was so interesting how Christianity could completely destroy the ties with their sister religion. Judaism is an incredibly old and ancient set of beliefs- how did such hate come to be- and how can the Christians want to deny that Mary and Jesus were jews? Those questions I plan to research in the future. I find it completely fascinating.

Rachel Saltzman said...

i was not in class for this.

Emily Madson said...

I learned a lot from this film. I always thought that the hatred of Jews started with the Nazis, when in reality it came from the church. Like Kelly I was also surprised that the pope had made the Jews wear yellow to identify them like the Nazis did years later. Overall I'm really glad we watched the video because it showed me there was a lot of things going on before the holocaust that I wasn't aware of.

Paul Driscoll said...

I was very surprised with the information provided by this video on how the jews were persecuted throughout history. I knew Hitler's basic premise on why certain minority groups were targeted, however, I was not aware of where he derived his particular hatred of the Jews. It has become apparent to me that this specific focus on the Jews was taken from the ideas of antisemites hundreds of years before him. In addition, I feel that Tom's observation of the modern day persecution of the Jews is very unsettling and disturbing. It seems archaic and barbaric and illogical to continue believing in such unreasonable fallacies.

Robert DeArmond said...

This documentary was phenomenal. I like that this documentary was more up to date. I also appreciated that the documentary was in color. In my opinion, watching something in color takes the bordem out of anything. However there was one comment made by a historian in the film that caught me off guard. I believe the man spoke of "converting The Pope." This historian was never specific as to what religion The Pope should be converted to but when I heard this, I was evidently outraged. The first question that comment brought about was why would anyone want to convert The Pope? To say the least, there was nothing about the Holocaust that had anything to do with converting The Pope.

Robert DeArmond said...

This film was truly phenomenal. It provided excellent depictions of the nazi era. I also appreciated the film more because it was in color versus black and white. I always find color to make even the most boring of films interesting. One thing that did stand out to me was when one of the historians spoke of "converting The Pope". This I felt was a complete abomination. The historian never did mention what religion should suffice for the conversion. One question I asked myself was why would anyone want to convert The Pope? This makes absolutely no sence to me at all. Converting The Pope does not have anything to do with World War I, World War II, or Nazi Germany.

Robert DeArmond said...

I agree with Andrew La Belle. Combining the color yellow and the simple star of david was stemmed out from marking the Jewish community with the yellow circles. It's disgusting to think that something that means so much to the Jewish faith and brings its people hope was used against them. Brilliant but sadistically horrifying.

Madison McGourty said...

I was Absent for this blog!!! Sorry

Josh High said...

I was kinda in awe at the speed and pace in which germany turned on the jews by one mans voice. And he was just feeding more and more propoganda and using scape goats to try and unite the german people. He did this and much more which still has a bro in awe

Zach Yanoff said...

I never knew about the head christian leader that preached to germany about how bad the Jewish people were and that people actually listened to him. I was also surprised in how fast germans citizens were willing to just give in for a way out.