Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Period 2: Warning from History

The film, A Warning from History, asks the question, “How could a cultured nation in the center of Europe ever allow Hitler and the Nazis to come to power in Germany?” Given the information from the film and from facts you’ve learned thus far in the course, answer the question with specific details. The post will close at 9:00pm today. If you don’t see your comment, please send me an email with the comment in the email. Mr. Gallagher


Anonymous said...

I feel that the cultured nation in the center of Europe allowed Hitler and the Nazis to come to power in Germany due to that fact that they just did what they were told. No one actually thought anything of the issue. Wanting to be part of the mainstream of society, people didn't see events as wrong, they saw it as a necessity of life in a sense. Follower don't usually stand up for much, they just do as told, therefore Hitler and the Nazis gained power more easily when no one stood in their way.

~Jillisa S.

Anonymous said...

I feel like the strength in hitlers speechs allowed him to get the support from people to form the Nazi party. Once he had a lot of followers and supporters he was all good to move throught munich with his idea and power ove the people and get them to follow him with speechs and harm. The Nazi and many thought that cause of the stop of the war it was because of the jews who back stabbed them and other things like that. That is why i believe the Nazi party and hitler came to power.

Jillisa good point on how people wanted to be part of the mainstream thing and that they didn't see it as wrong.

Matt D

Anonymous said...

I feel like the Germany's people allowed Hitler, along with the Nazi regime, to come into power in Germany because they were distrought. They were bitter from the results of The Treaty of Versailles and the blame of World War 1 being put on them. They were in need of a leader, and Hitler was charismatic man, who presented a new opportunity for Germany and its people. As for what they did to the Jewish people, the hatred towards Jews had been planted in their minds long before the Nazis came into power. The German people thought that Hitler and his Nazi party was the best thing for their nation of Germany at the time.

Colleen H.

Anonymous said...

I think that a culturized nation in the center of Europe allowed Hitler and the Nazis come to power in Germany, because the people were very vunerable and felt that they were being blamed for everything from World War I, also that they were wrong and had to pay all the costs of the war. So I think that the people were very discouraged and thought that they needed some to help fight for them and help them feel like they were getting treated equally.

-Brittany Murphy

Anonymous said...

I think that a cultured nation such as Germany could allow Hitler and the Nazis come to power because they felt helpless after WWI ended. The Germans felt that they needed to come back to some kind of power after they had been stripped form their previous power. Hitler brought most of the nation together with joining the Nazi party.

-Kyla M.

Anonymous said...

The Nazi party and Hitler would be able to come to power, because the Germans were upset about the Treaty that ended WWI. Even though Germany was a cultured nation in the center of Europe they liked the power that was given to them when Hitler came around. The nation came together and thats what caused the rise of the Nazi party.

-Melissa B.

Anonymous said...

Matt V

I think that the cultured nation nations in Germany let Hitler and the Nazi's come to power. Germany liked the power they had and they wanted to take advantage of this oppurtunity to have this power. Hitler felt that he was joining the nations in bringing them to power.

I also agree with Matt D's comment about how he got support from the Nazi Party.

Anonymous said...

Throughout history, the theme of major change occuring during an economic decline has held strong. Even in the United States, people are more willing to back a political leader if they have nothing to loose. This was the case in Germany during Hitler's rised to power. I agree with Matt D in the fact that Hitler's powerful speeches gained him popularity throughout Germany. Hitler became the face of change in Germany and that is what they needed. This combination was too powerful for foreign countries to object to.

Anonymous said...

think that the people in Germany wanted a leading figure who could take control over the situation. The people were struggling with the reparations that had been placed on them after WWII and were upset at the world and the punishments that had been handed down to them. The people wanted a leading figure and they wanted to feel like they were making progress in their fight against the punishments. Hitler had an influential personality and he was able to encapsulate the minds of the German people. He became their leader and the people bought into the idea. They needed a scapegoat for all the things that had happened to the country and they found it easy to blame the Jews. Hitler used his influential attitude and a method of intimidation to scare the people into believing that it was the Jews fault. Therefore Hitler was able to impact an entire society and make the people believe what he was saying. I agree with Matt D in saying that Hitler's speeches had a profound impact on his take over of Germany.

Dan F.

Anonymous said...

After watching the film it seems as though the main reason Hitler was able to come to power was because of his speeches and the crisis Germany was facing. Germany stated that an economic crisis was present and people throughout the movie were saying that they had to pay so much money for food to the point they were frustrated. Hitler was able to announce a plan when Germany's citizens were completely frustrated and desperate. So, he was able to come to power very easily because of people wanting a stable economy quickly.

-Saqib Z.

Anonymous said...

Evan M.
I believe the reason the Germans allowed Hitler to come to power was they were lost. THe treaty had been signed which hurt them, they were all angry and Hitler was powerful man who agreed with them, almost like friend, execpt he was a friend in the government who could change things. The German people trusted Hitler that he would bring them out of this hard time and bring them to glory but instead he brought them down. I don't believe the German's knew how dangerous he was when the supported him, I believe they were desperate and did not pay attention enough.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think that the Nazi party gained support from the people due to the powerful speaches that Hitler gave. With this, he was able to gain a lot of support from the German people, and this allowed him to take power. The people were also looking for a revolution and Hitler gave them this.
I think Matt D had a good point in saying that the Jews were the reason for the ending of the war and back stabbing them.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty astounding that such a cultured country such as Germany could allow a man such as Hitler to rise to power and blind the citizens of Germany with promises of returning Germany back to its former glory.

In fact, it is becasue Germany was in such a state of dissarray and depression that the people of Germany were ready to do anything in order to return to any semblance of order, even if it is the order of an incredibly racist party.

Victor Z.

Anonymous said...

For many reasons, Germany was vulnerable to a man like Hitler. German soldiers were angry that they had surrendered and lost the war. The blamed Jews and other minorities for conspiring against Germany. They thought they werent loosing the war. So they wanted revenge. The conditions were also bad in Germany. After the war, Germany was in shambals. Hunger and poverty were prevelant. The monetary system was ineffective. The people needed a strong leader. They needed someone to save them. They needed someone who wanted to get revenge. Hitler promised to be that man. In addition, he was a powerful speaker. He also used massive propaganda and violence to be elected.

Zack L.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the Germans allowed Hitler and the Nazis to come to power, because they were extremely vulnerable as a nation after the Treaty of Versailles. The reparations they had to pay and the sufficient territorial loss caused an economic downfall in Germany. The German people were looking for leadership, and Hitler's charisma captivated them. His manipulating and brainwashing speeches preached his ideals that the Nazi party incorporated into everyday society through propaganda and the education of the Hilter Youth. The Germans were impressed by Hitler, and they were easily influenced into allowing him to lead the people, due to his promise to make Germany a strong nation again.

I agree with Jilisa that since Hitler and the Nazi party didn't meet much resitstance in their attempt to control Germany, their rise to power was easier to achieve. Furthermore, since Hitler and the Nazis were the only ones speaking out to make Germany a strong nation again, they chose to believe in them out of hope for a better life.

Anonymous said...

I beleieve the people went along with Hitler and his ideas because he seemed to have the solution to Germany's Problems.The nazi party appealed to the people because they appeared to be well organized and know what theyre doing. Im sure the world first had this out look too, when the nazi party first came into focus. This is why i think the other nations first appeased them when they started invading other countries.

Hitler was a very good public speaker, his speeches were pursuasive and very captiVATING.This was a big impact on the people.