Wednesday, May 7, 2014

In the film, Sophie's Choice, the central charactor is forced to make an impossible decision while awaiting selection on the Ramp at Auschwitz. An SS Officer tells her that since she is not Jewish she will be given a choice regarding her children. She must decide in an instant whether to save one of her children or see both killed. She has no other options. The students in class were asked to answer the question, "What would you have done if you had been in Sophie's shoes?" The following is what student John Kinsman had to say, "To answer this question is to try and place the value of a human life. Thus, it is impossible. The mental anguish and pain that comes from her choice slightly outweighs the option of dying together. She, in the heat of the moment, chooses almost subconsciously, forced to decide to spare two lives instead of costing all 3 of their own. No human should ever have to decide which offspring to keep, especially when there is nothing wrong with them. I truly find it impossible to know how to decide."

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