Wednesday, October 9, 2013


In the beginning of the film you saw Ms. Gruwell's department head suggest that she not to wear her pearls to class. The English teacher commented on them as well. Later we notice that she wore them to class on the first day of school. Why do you think she was given the advice and why do you think she ignored it? Also, you heard Ms. Gruwell ask her students if they were aware of the Holocaust after she saw an ugly picture being passed around the class. Why do you think almost none of the students had ever heard of the Holocaust? At one point she is having a conversation with her department chair about giving her students new books. What was the importance of that discussion? Finally, what do you think is the most important message of the film?


Brittany Baxendale said...

I really enjoyed the film. I thought it was so interesting how one teacher could affect so many people. She changed the lives of so many people in such a positive way. I wish more teachers were like her. She had so much heart and effort to give to her students. She spent so much time creating a better life for her students.

Klein Muthie said...

Not to be stereotypical, but "Freedom Writers" was a movie that I could relate to because when I lived in Worcester the majority of the kids in the school didn't care about their education. They were either related in gangs, lived in abusive homes or parents didn't seem to care. Teachers would not really encourage kids to try their best and achieve what they are capable of doing. Mrs. G was such an inspiration teacher because she didn't give up on those kids in room 203 because she thought has the potential to be one of the first people in their families to graduate. It takes courage, leadership, passion and guidance to help those kids the way she did. She refused to bow down to the powers structure in the high school, instead she looked for the strength within herself. The students thought she was amazing and wanted to continue to stay in that classroom with her. It was sad though when her husband left her, reason being because she payed too much attention to the kids instead of him. He felt like he was the second choice and he didn't want to live a life like that. Even though she didn't become a lawyer like her father wanted her to be he accepted what she was doing with her life and was proud of her daughters accomplishments.

Chloe Skraly said...

Ms. Gruwell ignored the advice not to wear the pearls because she doesn’t make judgments on people without knowing them. Just because these kids were from a bad area in town, it doesn’t mean they are bad people. After Ms. Gruwell asked her students if they knew what the Holocaust was, no one but the one Caucasian kid raised his hand. I think that the students didn’t know what the Holocaust was because the teachers in the school system didn’t bother to teach them important events because they don’t think the students are capable of learning. Those students are treated very poorly compared to every one else just because they are from bad parts of the town. When Ms. Gruwell asked the department chair about giving new books to her students, the department chair says she can’t because the kids will ruin them and she can’t make the kids want an education. Miss Gruwell says she’s wrong. This is important because it shows Ms. Gruwell’s strong motivation and dedication to help her students and be a better teacher, and nothing is in her way or can stop her from getting what she wants… to help her students. I think the most important message from this film is if you want something enough, you can make it happen with hard work and dedication. Another message I think is important from this is to never give up on your dreams and don’t let anyone stand in your way.

Emily Zarrilli said...

I think that she ignored the advice the teacher gave her to take off of her pearls because she didn't really know how the students were. She didn't actually understand how violent they were. Eventually I think she wore them to show them how she trusted them and to go against what the other teachers in the school deemed to be right. I think it was very strange that the students in the class did not now what the holocaust was, since the holocaust is so "commonplace" it's hard for me to imagine not knowing about such a difficult part of human history. The importance of the discussion I think reassured Ms. Gruwell of what she already knew, she knew the teachers in the school didn't care about their students and this ultimately drew a line in the sand. Ms. G started going the extra mile for her kids and it showed how much she cared about the wellbeing of her kids. I think the most important message of the film is that only you can bring change upon yourself, it is not anyone else's job to help you or change you only you can do it yourself. People can be guide to guide you like Ms. G was but ultimately the students in her class made the decision to be part of a whole and change their ways for the good.

Elizabeth Volpe said...

Mrs. G wore those Pearls to make a point. She was telling everyone that she was her own person and that she would not be pushed around. She did not care about other people's judgments. Also, she was told not to wear them because of the 'juvenile' kids. She gave them the respect and trust that they deserved on the first day of school, knowing they wouldn't take them or try anything. I think the kids did not know what the Holocaust was because everyone is always trying to forget about it. Everyone wants to say that that terrific event could not have happened and they try and shut it away. That wouldn't be taught to the students in hopes to avoid the emotional response that it causes. I think the most important message of this film is the impact that one person can make. Mrs. G as one person changed the lives of over 20 students. Also, I think another huge thing to get from this film is respect. If you don't give it, you won't receive it. Mrs.G gave the respect to those students that they deserved, and this enabled them to flourish in her teaching environment as opposed to the negative environment of the other teachers.

Marco Cadavieco said...

While watching Freedom Writers, I enjoyed watching the students be transformed from misunderstood gang members to 'normal' students, while still possessing their individuality of who they were. At the beginning of the movie, she was warned by fellow teachers not to wear her pearls because the students would try to take them. She ignored the advice because she had trust and faith in the students she haven't met because it was nowhere to judge a person by the way they look and what clique they are in.I think the most important part of thing to take away from this movie is not to judge people so quickly and you shouldn't do the right thing for self gain or a pat on the back, but just because its the right thing to do.

Kate Burgess said...

I found the film extremely inspirational. The fact that one woman could overcome and overpower the horrible people keeping her down and greatly impact the lives of so many young people. She saved many young lives that could have easily been lost by to gang violence. She inspired young people to read and write and not only just do their assignments but enjoy them. She gave up so much for her students and it payed off. I'm inspired by that women. If she can make a difference in hundreds of lives I can too. Overall, I found the movie inspirational and interesting.

Caitlin Potts said...

I've seen the Freedom Writers a few times but I've never really received the message it was trying to send until now. When she was given the advice to not wear the pearls I think it was because of the others teachers lack of faith and hope in the children she was going to teach. She probably ignored it because she wanted to prove that she saw the students as exactly what they were: children, not thieves or gang members. She had faith they could rise above that. When Mrs. Gruwell asked her students about the Holocaust and none of them had heard of it was because they'd never been interested in education and with most of them having gang backgrounds no one wanted to teach them that killing people is a horrible thing to do because thats what they were being trained to do in these gangs. They also, most likely, didn't want anyone to be emotionally weak or unable to harm someone because of what they know happened during the holocaust. The importance of her discussion about new books with her department head is that she wants to give these kids resources that help them learn and prove to them that people can trust them and see them as more than just a gang member. The most important message of this movie is that with passion and determination you can change anything and that you don't know what someone has truly been through until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

Abby Underwood said...

Ms. Gruwell didnt take the advice to not wear her pearls because she wanted to believe the best in people and not make snap judgements without getting to know them. She was given the advice because of the stereotypical judgements made by the other teachers. When she asked them about the Holocaust and none of them knew about it it surprised me. I think this was due to other teachers taking on the mentality that the head of the english department had. They must have thought the students couldn't learn the material so they refrained from teaching it. When talking to the department chair she learned that the other teachers didnt really care about the students or their education. I think the most important message is not make quick judgements about people and how much impact one person can have on the lives of others just by believing in them

Abby Underwood said...

Ms. Gruwell didnt take the advice to not wear her pearls because she wanted to believe the best in people and not make snap judgements without getting to know them. She was given the advice because of the stereotypical judgements made by the other teachers. When she asked them about the Holocaust and none of them knew about it it surprised me. I think this was due to other teachers taking on the mentality that the head of the english department had. They must have thought the students couldn't learn the material so they refrained from teaching it. When talking to the department chair she learned that the other teachers didnt really care about the students or their education. I think the most important message is not make quick judgements about people and how much impact one person can have on the lives of others just by believing in them

Olivia Longo said...

Ms. Gruwell wore her pearls to school after being told not to because the represented her as an individual and she wasn’t going to let someone tell her to change herself. She also wore them on the first day of school to show the teachers that she believed that her students were good people and they deserved attention and respect. I believe she was given the advice because the teachers think so little of the students and they think that the students would steal the necklace. The teachers at the school put so little attention into teaching the students; instead they just pass them on because they believe they are incapable of hard work and success. I believe most of the students had never heard of the Holocaust because they were never exposed to anything outside their city. The teachers put no effort into actually teaching the students and many of the students said they had never been anywhere other than their city. The most important messages I took from the film is to be a strong individual and to give everyone a chance because people are not always who they appear to be.

Anna Meshreky said...

It was not my first time seeing this film in class. I had seen it many times before, and have enjoyed watching it every time. It is truly an inspiring movie to anyone who feels like they can't accomplish something because they are only one person. It shows that determination leads to success. Mrs. G never judged the kids or looked at them any differently, but instead tried to understand the circumstances that they were living in. By doing this, she helped the students come out of their shells and helped them realize what they are really capable of doing. She did not do this for a higher pay, or for publicity, but because she felt it was the right thing to do. This is an example for anyone that feels like the right thing to do is a waste of time or isn't going to benefit themselves- this isn't the way to look at it. Because Mrs. G chose to do what she thought was the right thing, she helped the kids in room 203 prove wrong those who had believed they were incapable of achievement.

Rachel Hurkmans said...

I really enjoyed the movie Freedom Writers because it shows how great of an impact one person can make on so many peoples lives. I have a new found respect for teachers. I had always though of teachers as just people that enjoy a topic and like to educate others about but there is so much more to being a teacher. A good teacher cares about their student and wants them to be successful. I found Ms. G to be an incredibly inspirational character because of her caring heart and dedication to helping her children despite the troubles she was facing at home.

Shannon lawton said...

In the beginning of the movie when the woman tells her not to wear the pearls she does this because she judges the kids without even knowing them. The teacher ignores her because she is open minded about who the kids are and their morals. I don't think the kids knew about the holocaust because they were not given the opportunity to learn about it. All the teachers at the school just think they are dumb and don't deserve the stuff that students at other schools get. When the department head doesn't give ms G books I think that is the point when she realizes she is really own her own. She knows it is up to her to change these kids lives and she can't expect help from people in the school. To me the most important message in this film is that one person can make a difference. Some people think "I could never change the world I am only one person out of everyone" but they really can make a chain reaction which can change the world

Leah Bridge said...

In the movie Freedom Writers, Ms. Gruwell ignores the advice to take off her pearl necklace to show how she won't give into the sterotypes of the school. By keeping her necklace on its shows how she doesn't judge the kids because they come from a bad back round, instead she is giving them all a chance to show they aren't who the school placed these kids as. I feel as though no one in the classroom knew about the holocaust because the school doesn't teach classes related to the holocaust because they may be thinking why waste their time. When in reality it would be better for these kids struggling on the streets to know what can happen when there are things like hate and violence implemented in the world. When Ms. Gruwell asks for the books from the department head and is told she can't because the kids will just ruin the books, it shows how little faith and belife the teachers have in their students all because of their back rounds. In reality these kids were ready to learn and ended up doing an amazing job proving all the other teachers wrong. I feel the most important message of this Movie is to strive above the sterotypes people give you because you are capable of being whoever you want to be no matter what anyone else says.

Ashley Chiu said...

The department head told Ms. G not to wear the pearls because she was making a broad generalization about the students. She didn't trust them and she didn't like them, and she assumed the worst about them. I think initially Ms. G wore the pearls because she didn't realize what the kids were actually like. However, as the movie progresses, she wears the pearls every single day to class. I think that shows her trust and respect for her kids. The fact that none of the kids knew what the Holocaust was shows their lack of education. The Holocaust applies so well to their situations, because in the beginning of the movie, the kids were all prejudiced against each other and divided by their races. I think a main takeaway from this movie is the power of even one person to make a difference. One person, Ms. G, had to fight against the established power structure, but through her dedication and hard work,was able to really change her students' lives.

Maddi Avergon said...

I really enjoyed this movie a lot because even though so many people were against her, Ms. Gruwell still fought for what she wanted and was able to make a huge difference in that group of students' lives. She showed that she trusted each of the kids and when they didn’t believe her at first, she made sure that each one of them new she cared. Examples like these are what encourage more teachers to make a bigger difference in their students’ lives and I’m glad that Mr. Gallagher was handing out copies of the movie to teachers. I really enjoyed one particular boy’s journey with Mrs. Gruwell when he made a huge connection with Anne Frank’s diary and her keeper Miep. Each of the kids found motivation with this teacher to make a better life for themselves and I hope many more cases like this one occur.

Shannon Connors said...

At the beginning of the movie, Mrs. Gruwell wears her pearls before the first day and is advised to remove them before meeting the students. Not listening, I thought it showed her integrity as an individual. Not integrity because of the wealth her pearls may promote but rather in the integrity or pride she has in her father and her family background. This is a very important message she tries to make to the students because she finds that they need to gain pride and confidence in themselves in order to change. This pride allows them to see that they can in fact change. When she asked the students if any of them knew what the holocaust was, no one spoke up. While almost every single student in the class is part of a gang, they are exposed to killing every single day and need to kill in order to be accepted as part of their "group". As harsh as it may sound this is similar to what Germans were doing to Jews in order to fit in with the overall common belief of the time that Jews were bad. Therefore, the holocaust doesn’t come around as horrifically unforgettable as it actually was. Having new books for the students was extremely important to Mrs. Gruwell because she knew that having new books would allow the students to gain the confidence and pride in themselves that they needed to better themselves or change. Having old run down, childish books make them feel as if they are not smart enough or good enough to get new ones. This decreases the amount of faith they have in themselves to succeed.

Tabitha Domeij said...

The movie "freedom writers" left a huge impact on me. I thought the entire film was one of the most inspirational films I have ever seen. To think that this was based on a true story makes me happy because it shows how some people really do care about the wellbeing of others. COming from a town like Westborough, it is very surprising to see the many situations these highschool students had to face each and every day. My goal in life is to someday be someone who is known for caring about everyone, being non-judgemental, and helping others. THis movie showed me that achieving my goal is possible, nomatter what may stand in my way and that I should never give up on myself even if it seems no one else is willing to help. I would say that this movie is very life-changing, close to home, and motivational and I would highly reccomend it to others.

Tabitha Domeij said...

The movie "freedom writers" left a huge impact on me. I thought the entire film was one of the most inspirational films I have ever seen. To think that this was based on a true story makes me happy because it shows how some people really do care about the wellbeing of others. COming from a town like Westborough, it is very surprising to see the many situations these highschool students had to face each and every day. My goal in life is to someday be someone who is known for caring about everyone, being non-judgemental, and helping others. THis movie showed me that achieving my goal is possible, nomatter what may stand in my way and that I should never give up on myself even if it seems no one else is willing to help. I would say that this movie is very life-changing, close to home, and motivational and I would highly reccomend it to others.

Ivan Truong said...

I thought Freedom Writers was a pretty good film. It showed me the huge significance of having good teachers and it allowed me to have a greater respect for teachers. Mrs. G's father was probably right in saying that with the knowledge and brains that Mrs. G had, she could probably make so much more money and be much more "successful" but she sacrificed this opportunity because she felt that her impact on the lives of her students was worth more than money or her other opportunities.

Kevin Koenigsberg said...

I was absent for most of the movie.

Ethan peterson said...

I really enjoyed this movie. The fact that it was based on a true story was inspiring. Mrs. G was able to overcome adversity and bring togetherness within her class. She wore her pearls on the first day because she wanted to show them respect by trusting the kids. She also went into the class room with an open mind ready to adapt to her situation and be the best teacher she could be.

Sabrina Herstedt said...

To me, the pearls are a symbol of a few things: defiance, trust, naivety, and a symbol of her relationship with her father. I believe that none of them heard of the Holocaust because they were too preoccupied with staying alive and taking care of their families to pay attention to details that dont pertain to them. with that, the teachers dont give them the chance to learn that material anyway because they dont care about being there. The discussion over books is important because it foreshadows her actions. We learn early on that if she wants something, she will work until she gets it. knowing she wants the books so much, i knew immediately she wouldnt take no for an answer. this reflects her perseverance, her respect for the students, and the defiance towards authority. its so hard to pick a single most important message, but one definitely is trust goes a long way. with a little trust, people can move mountains.

Jake Foster said...

this filmed was probably the best movie i have ever seen. It made me realize in the perspective of others in school and what they have to go through on a daily day. it showed how powerful these people are and how they work very hard to get out of the lives that their living. Mrs.G is a hero in my eyes and she inpacted me as an indiviual and changed me as a person. Im glad i got to watvh this film and im glad i got to show it too others so they can be impacted as well.