Thursday, May 9, 2013


This week you watched The Grey Zone. The film is based in part on the true story of Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew chosen by Josef Mengele to be the head pathologist at Auschwitz. The film showcases the moral delimma of the the Sonderkommando Jews and follows their plans to carry out the armed revolt that took place at Auschwitz. Please post your reflections about the film.


kendal simard said...

I was not here for the rest of this film

Nick Pham said...

As the film went on, I found myself seeing the Sonderkommando in a worse light than I saw the Nazis who ran the camp. I feel as though this is because members of the Sonderkommando led thousands upon thousands of fellow Jews to their deaths just for the chance to live for another day. I do not believe that I have the right to judge the actions of the Sonderkommando, but I just ended up feeling much contempt for the Sonderkommando naturally. While I sympathize with some aspects of what the Sonderkommando had to go through, I do not believe that the actions of the Sonderkommando can be justified.

Natielli Mendes said...

This film has really mortified me. It is truly sickening to see the cruel and inhumanly things they made the Jews do. All of this has really opened my eyes into seeing how bad everything truly was. You can hear stories about it, and read what the textbooks tell us, but this truly put a horrifying image in my mind. It was heartbreaking to see all of the little children holding hands with their mothers or fathers, because we knew what was going to happen. It is actually unbelievable to me that people could have been so cruel and heartless to do something like that. Also, the fact that they had to drink to be able to carry on with their job is the most sickening and disturbing part of it all. It just goes to show that they knew it isn’t right to take another’s person life, but “follow orders” are more important to them then a person’s life. What the Nazi was doing to the Jews is unjustified and inhuman. Scaring them, torturing them, beating them, starving them, putting them to work, and then killing them, is a fact that I don’t want to comprehend. This truly opened my eyes to what really happened. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of how cruel and heartless the Nazis were.

Nick Lanciani said...

I would have to say that while it was disturbing, it was understandable considering the types of moral questions the film asked. What I mean is, I knew how bad things were going to get, however by what means and the types of questions presented I did not know. I would not even know what I would have done, really, if I were in that situation.

Nick Lanciani said...

Overall though, I must say that it was tragically predictable and this should never happen again. I also have a viewpoint that stands somewhere between Nick P. and Natielli, who were able to put better words to whatever I could come up with. Thanks for you input guys.

Marissa Kashmanian said...

I was absent.

Mankah Hongla said...

This film was truly sickening and it was extreamly hard to watch this film without having a teardrop or a startle pass me, The fact that the Dr. betrayed his own people to the germans hoping to save his family was pathetic especially because he never saw his daughter, one of jews sent his fellow jew to his death doom and when there was survivor he thought he could do the right thing by saving her after trying to kill her! i cant express my anger via typing but this was messed up

Jeff Saltzman said...

I found a sick satisfaction in watching one of the Nazi guards thrown into the ovens that I cannot explain and am a little afraid of. I find this film terrifying because I believe I would do a lot to stay alive, including such dehumanizing labor. That people ever found themselves living such a reality teaches us that we have little to no control over the fate of our lives. Much of this film was too overwhelming for me to be put into words; I have no way to express the horror I felt very eloquently...

alanna said...

overall, this film was fucked up.

Ashley Solares said...

I thought that this was such a powerful film. It was horrifying seeing such things but I feel that otherwise I would not even begin to understand all that happened during the Holocaust. There were some parts like when the people were getting shot for not releasing information that I could not handle watching. It made me rather upset seeing certain aspects of the movie.

Ashley Solares said...

I agree with Natielli that it was sickening to see how cruel the Nazis were. The film helped to show me some of that.

Tess Mitchell said...

I agree with Natielli. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that was as sickening as this one. As I was watching the cruel and inhumane things done to the Jews, it was hard to imagine that these were real life events that in fact did occur. The movie stayed with me and really affected me as a person even when class was over.

mike farrar said...

When watching the movie it made me sick. I never knew how cruel the nazi's were. They would lay people on the ground and shoot them one by one. I cant imagine laying on the ground until it was your turn to die. It must of been very scary.

Shannon Williams said...

I cannot say whether this film accurately and realistically portrayed the events that occurred. While what the Nazis did was cruel and inhumane, etc., I question the accuracy of the film as, in the producer's mind, the more absorb and eye popping the film is = more revenue.

Melissa Mastrogiacomo said...

This was probably the most disturbing film we have watched so far this year and it was truly eye-opening. There were so many scenes in the film that made me very sad for the Jews but so angry with the Nazis. It is horrifying to see how easy it is for the Nazis to kill so many innocent people. One scene in particular, the one where all the people from an entire zone were standing in lines and one of the Nazis was shooting each individual one by one was the hardest part of the movie for me to watch. I wish that more people had the courage to do what the men did that revolted because it would have had at least some impact which is better than nothing.

Scott Erickson said...

I thought this film really gave me a full understanding as to just how cruel the Nazi's were. I obviously knew the terrible and unspeakable thing they did to the Jewish people, but I didn't have any idea they did things such as laying them down and shooting them one by one. I agree wit Jeff in that I found some sort of satisfaction when I saw one of the Nazi's going into the oven alive.

Abby Stadig said...

i was absent for the middle of the film

Colleen King said...

I had a really strong reaction to this film. I found myself torn in the middle of the film. I wanted to know how the film would end but I was afraid of what was going to happen. I found it unimaginable to even think about what the Jewish people were going through, I cannot even think about being forced to kill my own people in the crematorium. It was horrific and I honestly don't have words to describe how horrifying and disturbed the film made me feel.

Colleen King said...

I too agree with Natielli. I've never seen a movie that has been as terrifying and sicking as this film. I know that after the class I was unable to shake the film and the events that were in it because they resonated with me so greatly. It is nearly impossible to think that these were real events.

Julia Heffernan said...

I was absent this day.

Anna Johnson said...

I was not in class this day.

Kevin Neil said...

I was absent this day.

Jack Howarth said...

This film was very traumitazing. It was scary seeing all the bodies stacked up and people being shot at in a line. The ending was horrifying and I've learned a lot of terrible facts from watching this.

Jeff Eisenbeis said...

This movie was really eye opening for me. I was shocked at how cruel the nazi were and how heartless they were in the massacring of the Jewish people. I was amazed that humans could do that to other humans

Brett Robinson said...

I thought it was awful.

Luke Hodgdon said...

This was the most disturbing movie I have ever seen, but at the same time I am glad I was able to see it. I now feel like I can begin to understand the horrors that occured at the death camps, and the Holocaust seems more real to me than it ever has after watching this film.

Dana Burns said...

This film was pretty powerful. The imagery was haunting and the sense of hoplessness really captures the feelings of the time.