Monday, March 25, 2013


You recently viewed the PBS documentary The Longest Hatred in class. What did you learn that you did not know before watching the film?


Danielle Neuwirth said...

The documentry that we watched was very intresting. The documentry got me very angry on how the christians treated the jews.It is not fair.

Abby Stadig said...

before watching the documentary i had no clue that the Jews were discriminated against before and that there was even something in like the bible or testament that said that they should be sent to work camps, not like the way the Nazis sent people but that that is where the Nazis got their ideas.

Marissa Kashmanian said...

I think it is very interesting how history repeats itself. The history of anti Semitism that was shown really clarified why the Nazi's acted the way they did. I agree with Abby's statement about not knowing that the bible is where the Nazi's got their ideas from; it shows that as much as Hitler led this genocide, some of his actions were actually unoriginal.

Nick Pham said...

Before watching this documentary, I didn't really have an idea of where the hatred for Jews really spawned. I was surprised to see that a vast majority of said hatred spawned from early Christians. I am also unsure if the hatred for Jews from early Christians translated into the anti-Semitism seen from Nazis. I find it hard to correlate the Nazis with any Christian denominations. I find it difficult to say that Hitler drew some of his ideas from Christianity. It paints Christianity in a bad light. I agree with Marissa on this point.

Kevin Neil said...

The longest hatred disappointed me. Christianity as an institution has certainly done some terrible things throughout time, and it's due to people interpreting the Bible to suit their own needs...not the will of the God they follow. Antisemitism is rooted in hatred, not love. To hate Jews just because they are different is to disregard the foundation of Christianity. Why unconditionally hate and persecute Jews? I couldn't understand why the early Church would do such a thing. The video overall seemed to cast Christianity in a bad light and I hope nobody gets any lasting impressions of Christianity from the video alone.

Nick Lanciani said...

Well worded Kevin. I think it is important to point out the institutionalizing of- what could be alluded to as an inner circle- amongst the leaders of Christianity. What they have said and done is not right, but I know for a fact that that does not apply to everyone and all. Even way back in the early days of the Common Era, there must have been a dissenter in some form.

Nick Lanciani said...

So far though, I am intrigued and hope that the remainder of this film is as informative/ entertaining.

Tess Mitchell said...

I agree with Marissa. As I was watching this documentary, I noticed how history repeats itself. When we think of anti-antisemitism, we automatically think of The Holocaust. However, "The Longest Hatred" showed where this conflict derived from. It came as a shock to me that most of the hatred towards came from the Christian; specially since Judaism and Christianity were sister religions. I agree with Kevin, it definitely does cast a bad light on Christians.

Mankah Hongla said...

Before watching the documentary i had heard about the holocust although i had never been thought about it and i never could xplain anything on nazi, jews and holocust although i found this documentary to be somehow interest cause it increased me knowledge on it although i wish i could have heard it in person persay..cause i believe i may have understood it clearer as compared to overall it was quite intriguing

Brett Robinson said...

I agree with Nick Pham on the fact just the whole history of Jewish people constantly having people hate them to the passion of those people killing them just for that fact only.

Jeff Saltzman said...

As a Jew who has gone through Hebrew School and Jewish history courses, this movie gave me nothing but pride. No, I am definitely not reverent; I do not believe in God and barely can read let alone understand Hebrew prayers. But the information in this movie reminds me why I am proud to be Jewish. Being part of such an oppressed race at a time, thousands of years in the making, when we enjoy great personal freedom is incredibly humbling. I am part of a goal of an incredible legacy. This movie also reaffirmed my fervent anti-Christian sentiments. I can't help it.

Kendal Simard said...

I agree with Nick P and was also surpised to see this hatred spawn from Christians. This video clearly causes the viewer to sympathize with the Jews and look down upon the Christians during this time period. It was unsettling to watch the ways the Jews had been treated.

Anna Johnson said...

I agree with the previous comments that this film had a pretty negative feeling towards christianity. I think ultimately that was directed at the wrong thing. Christianity didn't cause this hatred towards the Jewish, it was the people at the time. Christianity as a whole is a religion based on love and acceptance. When people interpret that in a way that means hatred towards others, the fault is their own, not the religions.

Scott Erickson said...

I was surprised in all of the negative views that were portrayed of Christianity. I also had no idea that the Nazi's got a bulk of their ideas from things that are actually in the Bible. I thought that they just came up with them on their own. I also did not know that the Swastika and the Cross were so closely related. I agree with Kevin that hopefully no one gets lasting impressions of Christianity from this video alone.

Owen Goetz said...

I thought it was interting how far back the hatered pf ews extends into history. thier perservience as a people is fastinating.

alanna said...

prior to watching the documentary, i had little knowledge on how badly the Jews were discriminated against. It really upset me to watch this documentary. I learned the history of anti semitism and understood why the nazis acted like they did. I agree with Kevin that this documentary did disappoint me.

Natielli Mendes said...

I was not in Class Yesterday. Sorry!

Dana Burns said...

This documentary was very interesting. I had thought of anti-semitism in the context of the Nazi regime, but i had never before viewed it ove rht espan of time that was covered in this doc. I agree with Nick, it is surpring how long the tensions have existed.

Jack Howarth said...

I didn't know how the hatred for the jews went on for such a long time. I had no idea that the descrimination had gone on for centuries.

Shannon Williams said...

I found it interesting that the Nazi-lead campaign to rid Germany and Europe of the Jews was continued from the Christian Church previously had done to rid Rome of the Jews. I think Hitler found it to be his calling, or chosen figure, to carry this mission out.

Julia Heffernan said...

I agree with Jack that I wasn't aware of how long the hatred for jews had been around. I always thought it was HItler who introduced the idea but it was actually the Christian faith.

Colleen King said...

I did not know that the Jews had been discriminated against before the Holocaust and far back into history. I was also unaware of all the actions leading up to the holocaust. I have only been taught about what happened during the actual Holocaust and not what torturous treatment they endured for years prior, such as losing their jobs, money, respect, freedoms, and even been murdered based purely on their religion.

Colleen King said...

I agree with Alanna, I was really upset me to watch this documentary , because of how the Jewish were treated and had no idea how poorly they were discriminated against.

Zach Mason said...

One thing that i did not know before seeing The Longest Hatred was that Germany was segregated just like the United States was with the whites and blacks. I also had not known that anti-semetism has been around for as long as it has been.

Melissa mastrogiacomo said...

In this documentary, I learned a few different things that I did not previously know about. I was not familiar with the night of broken glass where many Jews were killed. I knew that the Jews were hated greatly but I did not know about how segregated Germany was, like what Zach said. It shocked me when they mentioned they had seperate benches for Jews and they could not go to certain beaches. This reminds me of civil rights when the blacks and whites were segregated and blacks had everything seperate from the whites.

Ashley Solares said...

I was aware that there was anti-Semitism during the Holocaust. What I was not aware about though was that it had been along for a long time and much before the holocaust took place. I thought that it was something that had occurred right around the time that the Holocaust was taking place. I also did not know that Christians have taken a role in discriminating with the Jews.

AshleySolares said...

I agree with Kevin in that the video was disappointing in that it showed Christians in such a bad light. Also like Kevin said hopefully people do not judge Christians solely based off the longest hatred.

Jeff Eisenbeis said...

Before watching this documentary U had didnt know that the jewish community had such a long history of discrimination a hate and anger towards it.

Phoebe Evans said...

From this documentry i learned that the Nazi killed even german disabled children not just jews. I also learned that whoever was working in the mail room and receiving all the mail that was being sent to Hitler could control a lot of the policies.

Phoebe Evans said...

i agree with Marissa when shes said that it is interesting how history repeats itself and how anti Semitism dates farther back than i thought

Unknown said...

i had no idea of the extent of blame that the jews have faced since basically the beginning of modern times and recorded history. History has repeated itself over the course of time and now is the time to prevent any further discrimination and discriminatory acts towards groups of people.