Monday, October 1, 2007

Big Brother in 2008?

In February of 2007, the worlds of advertising, politics, and something called "YouTube" all collided in a magical moment of creativity that was seismic in scope and breath. From the moment the "Big Brother" video appeared on YouTube it became clear that a new method of political campaigning had been discovered. There was no question that this new media's impact was going to be felt for years to come. Never before had a politician been able to reach and influence millions of potential voters without spending a dime for air time. Of course, I am referring to the "Big Brother/Hillary" video that appeared out of nowhere. Millions of people watching the video, created from the famous Apple advertisement of 1984, voting on it, and initially speculated about its author. When it first ran, no one took credit for the spot. It received even more attention when the author finally did come forward. The political world erupted with charges and counter-charges when it was revealed that the spot was connected to Barack Obama’s campaign. Watch the spot and tell me what you think of the video and discuss whether or not you think the spot is effective and why.


Anonymous said...

This video clip is very powerful. I think the person who is campaigning for Obama is trying to say that Hilary Clinton is very rigid and focuses a lot on her power over the people. The clip was very interesting and the spot on her almost represented her as wanting too much control over the country.

Anonymous said...

I think the video clip clearly depicts Hilary Clinton as someone who's going to use power as President for only herself and the inner administration, like in 1984 with the Inner Party. They mimic the party's slogan, with Hilary fakely saying how we're "all in the conversation", and how she wants to hear everyone's opinions, yet everyone is being forced to follow this robotic routine. The one person who tries to reject Hilary is being hunted down, but finally destroys the screen that she's using to talk to everyone. This is used to show how we shouldn't vote for Hilary because of all the wrong things she'll do, and how she'll ruin our free society. I think the movie was a really clever idea, because it's easily accessible, and has a strong, but bad depiction of Hilary. Like Allie said, it's very powerful, and very controversial.

Anonymous said...

I think that this clip of Hilary Clinton shows that she has an goal to control the U.S. as much as she can, and i agree with the first two people that she was very "rigid" as lonstein, a. said and also I agree with josephs, m. when he said that it was a clever scheme for the Obama supporters to put this up on such a well-known site as youtube is because word travels fast, and many watch video clips on youtube, so this clip was cleverly and rightly put on youtube by these Obama supporters.

Anonymous said...

I think that this video was very powerful and a wise campaigning tool for Obama. I also agree with the previous posts that it was a very clever idea for putting it on youtube because it is free to get out, and is widely viewed. I also think that the use of reference to the book 1984 by George Orwell was very clever because it is a widely known novel by and has been read by a lot of the voting society. It shows Hilary in a very negative light as saying that she wants whats good for the country, but really craving power and control. I do agree that this video is very controversial to say the least, I do not believe however, that it infringes any laws, and is perfectly legal under the first ammendment.

Anonymous said...

I think the video clip is a great piece of campaign propoganda for Barack Obama. I think the spot is effective because it reached tons of people for free, and even if the millions of people who saw this clip are still planning on voting for Hilary, this clip will always remain in their heads, so if another thing in her campaign goes wrong, they might change their opinion of who should be elected president. The video depicts Hilary Clinton as a dictator-like figure who only wants more power. I disagree with Michael when he said the video was "controversial". Campaigns like this happen every nearly election, and the only reason this one was considered controversial is because nobody had ever done a serious campaign on the internet before. Being the year 2007, I think presidential nominees should utilize every type of advertising that could possibly help their campaign

Anonymous said...

This is such a good campaign clip, it gets the message across clearly that Hilary is some sort of boring monster like dictator thats brainwashing us.

Overall, nicely put together and after millions and millions of free views very smart of move for Obama.

This also reaches out to the younger audience who usually prowl youtube on a day to day basis.

Kudos to Obama.


Anonymous said...

The commericial that this video clip was based after in itself made this clip popular. I checked up on it and the original ad was for Apple, a company that is known greatly nowadays. The original commercial is known as one of the top Superbowl ads. The point I'm getting at is that taking the old ad and twisting it into one that can be related to politics is very clever. It shows how people can be brainwashed and not even realize it until something dramatic happens. I think it was saying that Hilary Clinton was trying to make people think one way, her way, and if you try to change it, you could get yourself into trouble. Overall, the spot was definately effective because it attracted so many viewers between YouTubers and ad-fanatics.

Anonymous said...

I honestly didn't understand the meaning of this clip until I saw the ending where it mentioned the novel "1984." I happen to be reading this novel in class and when I saw this literary reference, I immediately rewatched the clip. After watching it a second time I realized the important of the clip. Clinton is being portrayed as an enemy of the people, her face is being broadcasted across the television or "telescreen," just like enemies of the Inner Party are during the Two-Minute Hate. Hilary appears to be a socialist and is shown as extremely powerful. She is also being portayed as a liar when she says everyone is "in the conversation" because clearly they are being talked down to by Hilary. The clip was meant to have shown how life would be like with Hilary as President; terrible, unbearable, and unchanging. This is a wonderful idea because it is easy and free to view and sends a powerful message at the same time.

Anonymous said...

This video clip is trying to convey a extremely negative image about Hilary Clinton. It shows these uniform people in a very bland environment showing that everyone is the same. However, there is this one person who fails to conform. I think this shows that even though a lot of people may being doing one thing, you don't have to necessarily join in. Such as voting for a certain canidate. The words that Hilary Clinton speaks are very monotone suggesting that she's not really interested in these people although she does say she wants them to be a "team". This person destroying the screen suggests that Hilary is saying things that she may not mean. This ad is very effective reaching anyone with access to the internet on YouTube and while also usinga once popular commerical. This video will get stuck in voters heads and try to depict a negative image of Hilary.

Anonymous said...

In response to rohald, j's comment; I also do not believe that the video infringes any laws. Like he said it's perfectly legal under the first ammendement. I feel as though Hilary supporters will try and make the video illegal to view; but then I think that will create even more publicity for the Obama campaign. This video is also extremely controversial like josephs, m and lonstein, a have said.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this is another campaigning scheme to get people to go against Hilary Clinton. It shows that she wants to control as much of the country as she can. From a Obama stand point, this clip is a great idea. It is very powerful and many people are affected by it.

Anonymous said...

This clip is used to express the bad deeds that Hilary Clinton would do if she were to win the election. the person who is campaigning for Obama is trying to show how Hilary will take advantage of her power over the people. I agree Aramini. V, and that Hilary is being portrayed as an enemy. I also agree with Lonstein, A. and how Hilary wants too much power and control over the country.

Anonymous said...

I think that this was a very powerful video, and it clearly depicted what the purposes of Hilary Clinton would be as President. i agree with what josephs, m said about this in that it depicts that Hilary Clinton is shown as someone who is going to use the power of presidency for herself. I also liked the fact that it brought up the novel 1984 by George Orwell and it made that connection very well. I also think that this is an affective way of campaigning because it captures attention very fast, as well as bringing to attention the facts and the issues, as well as going against the opposition and supporting your own side.

Anonymous said...

This was a clever thing done by Barack Obama's campaign to weaken the position of Hillary Clinton. This spot is effective because it can reach anyone who has access to the internet. The reference to 1984 was an interesting connection made by Barack Obama's campaign. It gives the image of country completely controlled by the government. The image of the screen with Hillary Clinton's face on it breaking was a powerful image that leaves a lasting view of Hillary Clinton with all the viewers. This image definitely hurts her campaign.

Anonymous said...

I found it a very interseting video. Like many others, I agree that it is powerful and will be viewed by many people. It was a smart move f Obama. It depicts Hilary Clinton in very negative way and could sway many voters. Also, I think this clip will appeal to many people because they will like the reference to the novel, 1984.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was an interesting video it depicts Hilary Clinton as very rigid as said by longstein, a and makes her seem to be a dictator. This is a good use of propoganda to show clinton in a negative light. It was also innovative in the idea of posting it on youtube.

Anonymous said...

This clip was very compelling. While captivating the audience and making people think that she was out for the greater good of America, I agree with everybody else who said that she was trying to make a dictatorship, so that she could acquire more power over the country. I think this was very effective and should be utilized because of how technology dependent America is today. This is a free way to get your points across and win over more people at one time.

Sciba,L. said...

I found the video clip to be very informative. I saw it depicting Clinton as a woman who is focused on gaining and having power. I agree with lonstein,a. She is almost shown as if she is wanting too much power or control over the country.

Anonymous said...

I thought this video clip was a very clever campaigning idea by the supporters of Obama. Their message was very clear. This video shows or describes Hillary as a very power hungry person - it shows that even though she wants the best for the U.S., she is more focused on gaining control. I agree with rohald, j. that it was clever putting up this video because it didn't cost anything and got millions of viewers.

Anonymous said...

I remember watiching this clip in Mr. Olsen's history class last year, and at the time I thought it was a great idea. This spin-off of the clip showed me how this could happen eventually, and suggests voting Mrs. Clinton into the white house would be the first step to it. I thought this was a very effective campaign add, and agree with Rivas that it was smart putting it on youtube where millions will watch it.

Maguire, L said...

I thought this was a very clever for the Obama party to compare Hillary to Big Brother in 1984. It shows what may happen if Hillary becomes President, that she may be a dictator who rules us under extreme technology. I agree with Lonstein,L because she is shown as wanting too much power. This gives her a negative image that is in favor of Obama for President instead.

Anonymous said...

I think this video clip was very effective and powerful for Obama's presidental campaigne. It clearly sends an image to the American people that Hillary Clinton wants a lot of power. This was a great strategy by Obama because many people all over the U.S.A. use youtube, and to see a powerful videoclip, it will have an affect on the people and how they vote.

Anonymous said...

Like several people above have mentioned, putting this video on YouTube where millions of people can view it was a great move by Obama. It is based off of the book "1984", which is a famous book that many people have read. Clinton is portrayed as a powerful leader who tries to come across to the public as caring, but is really only in it for herself. People who have read the book can make a connection to the campaign ad and understand Obama's message. With this ad, Obama has effectively made a villain out of Clinton and boosted his popularity.

Murphy, K said...

The video clip obviously show Hilary Clinton in a very bad light. It shows she wants to use her power to control everything and everyone in the country. I'm also reading the book "1984" in English class and if the book actually came true under HIlary Clinton's administration it would be a very scary and despressing time where the people would not have any freedoms.

This marketing idea was smart of Obama's people because it will reach many 18 - 25 year olds. With the internet and especially youtube popular with much of the U.S. population it is a wise idea to campaign here and get some votes for himself!

Anonymous said...

Although I do think that this video may be slightly overdramatic, it does help Obama's campaign. it shows Clinton as some one who will control everybody by what seemed like brainwashing.

putting this clip on youtube was a smart idea. millions of people can watch it and it won't cost a thing. I think that it'll reach a younger audience, not necessarily an audience that is serious about politics though.

Anonymous said...

I think that this clip was very clever, yet very over the top at the same time. The obvious point that was put across was that Hillary is a stiff woman who's intentions are selfish and not in the best interest of the rest of American society. Her constant reference to "the conversation" was a good way to depict her saying she'd like others to voice how they feel but at the same time, she says it so unnaturally and without feeling. I think this was a tool to show how Obama feels about her way of listening to other people. I agree with Chris Armand in saying that it was a very smart move to put the clip on youtube, a site where so many Americans tend to just waste away their days watching video clips. Usually I'm not a big fan of political advertisements that bash other candidates but at the same time I appreciated the wit and art behind the ad.

Anonymous said...

This clip was so intense. ACtually i thought it was kind of disturbing and creepy how Hilary Clinton was protrayed. again, i have to agree with fotos, n "this clip will always remain in their heads," because it will. This clip makes people a little uneasy and usually when people are troubled by something, it's constantly on their minds. like, the way she talked, it felt like- "i sound like i care about you guys but i actually dont"

I think it's effective because even if it may not change minds, it may definetly put doubt or a hint of fear into some people's minds. And even a little bit of insecurity may influence someones final decision.

Anonymous said...

This video made me think that Hilary Clinton is a person that you wouldn't want to be under control of, because of the way she's shown in this ad. When you see people with their mouth's open where they look like they don't even care its a definite sign of brainwashing and nobody wants that.

Anonymous said...

I think that this video clip was intended to make Hillary Clinton look like a stiff woman who's intentions are selfish and not in the best interest of Americans. The video depicts Hilary Clinton as a dictator-like figure who only wants and cares about power. The clip seemed somewhat disturbing and maybe a little extreme, but it was powerful. I agree with josephs, m about how it was very clever for the Obama supporters to put this up on such a well-known site as youtube. This clip may not change one's mind; however, it will put a sense of fear and uneasiness in one's mind. I think presidential candidates should take advantage of every type of advertising that could help their campaign, especially the internet since the rate of internet usage is increasing year by year.

Campos, E. said...

I think that this clip was pretty creepy but it is just a way of campaigning and it shows that the Obama supporters will do a lot to prove that Obama should be chosen over Hilary. This video shows that Hilary is just saying stuff to make us happy and pretty much telling us what we want to hear. I agree with Joseph, M that it was a clever way of advertising because You-tube is a very popular and well known website that a lot of people go on. It didn't cost them any money but so many people saw it.

Anonymous said...

Well, after viewing the campaign for Obama i think it was clear that they wanted to convey Hilary Clinton as a person who was going to abuse power like "Big Brother" in 1984 with the inner party. This ad really shows a deeper meaning than most ads almost as if the person that was campaigning for Obama wanted to put fear and question if Hilary Clinton was ever elected leader over the people. Since i am currently reading the novel 1984, i understand that the dictatorship of the inner party was all for having a single power and total cotrol over the country.

Anonymous said...

I think this video was very interesting. Using the reference of 1984 would send a really powerful message to those who've read the novel and know how limiting that society is. I also think it was interesting how the person Hilary was describing wanting to support her seemed similar to the woman they were chasing, and her real supporters were pretty much drones. I think this shows how Hilarys idea of freedom and a well funtioning society would really be a more limited society.

Anonymous said...

I think this video clip portrays how aggressive and oppressive a leader hilary clinton is. Like the novel 1984 was intended to warn people about how communism can take over peoples' lives, this video is saying she could be the next "Big Brother".

Anonymous said...

I though that this clip was very disturbing, and definitely effected the way I viewed Hillary Clinton. In the video Hillary Clinton is shown as being rather inconsiderate and basically like a dictator. I agree with Shang R that after watching this video, this image of Hillary Clinton will most likely remain in your head, likely hurting her popularity as a presedential candidate. I think that it was a very effective tactic by Barack Obamas's campaign, by putting Hillary Clinton in a bad light.

Anonymous said...

I though that this clip was very disturbing, and definitely effected the way I viewed Hillary Clinton. In the video Hillary Clinton is shown as being rather inconsiderate and basically like a dictator. I agree with Shang R that after watching this video, this image of Hillary Clinton will most likely remain in your head, likely hurting her popularity as a presedential candidate. I think that it was a very effective tactic by Barack Obamas's campaign, by putting Hillary Clinton in a bad light.

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Anonymous said...


i think the "big brother/hilary" video is extremely effective to its viewers. more young viewers watch youtube than the cnn, and it doesnt cost any money. i was really surprised about what the each of the campaigns was saying. they were really strong oppinions. it also says a lot even to a person who had no background knowlege about each of the campaigns.

Anonymous said...

In this video clip, I think Obama is very smart in "making fun" of senator Clinton. I think that he's playing with the idea of Hilary Clinton wanting to be president just for the title of being president. This video illustrates her as having a great deal of power. I think Obama is saying that if she was elected president, she would abuse it. I think this is very effective beacuse by putting it on youtube millions of americans will see it, and hopefully it will effect them as much as it effected me.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this clip was very disturbing and that the vision of Hillary Clinton as an inconsiderate dictator, certainly stayed in my mind. It definitely was an effective way for Barack Obama's campaign to gain support, by lessening Hillary's popularity as a presidential candidate. I completely agree with Shang R, when she said that the image of Hillary stays with you, impacting one's voting decision. Nobody wants the woman pictured in the video as their president, and by posting the video on YouTube so many people were targeted.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gaines L when she said that the video gave the vision of Hillary Clinton as a dictator. I think that by posting the video on YouTube, it gives millions of people this negative vision of Hillary Clinton. This was an effective way for the Obama team to gain support for the upcoming presidential race. I think by posting something negative about the oppostion is always more effective than by posting something positive about yourself. This reflects our country in that we always only want to hear about what has gone wrong.

Mr. Gallagher said...

Okay, here's a question for you. Today, in class I was asked what was the significance of "1984" and "Big Brother?" Is there anyone who is able to help that student out with the answers?

Mr. Gallagher